I know you'll say yes

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After getting off of a plane full of dramatic happenings with the kids and their "friends" they made during the ride the family head to get a rental car. Once they find a perfect one for all of them, one that even the kids approve of they rent it and hop in and drive off. 

The first thing they do is drive to a nearby hotel and check in. The ride to the hotel wasn't very eventful, maybe the kids were just tired or thinking about the plane ride. They didn't talk much except for occasional slap from Jinyoung to Yugyeom. Or the two or three farts in a row from JB. Other than that everything was unusually quiet.

They checked into the hotel and what they were expecting wasn't a very nice interior In.  It had nice clean walls along with clean tiled floors in the design marble. A nice receptionist desk with a nice looking lady with a smile on her face as she greeted the family. Definitely what neither Mark or Jackson was expecting. Let's just say they've been in a lot of crappy hotels in the past and were happy they were staying here with their kids. 

Everyone was quite excited to say the least, the kids all running around and looking more energetic than ever. Who knows why they weren't like this in the new car, very surprising. Once they got their key and talked to the nice receptionist lady about cats and stuff, they were on their way. Up to the elevator and to their room number the key had on it. All they needed to do was drop their stuff off and head to Marks home town and to his old house where his parents are. Jackson knows that this is where Mark will feel the happiest so he knows it's the best place to propose. 

*After putting their stuff away Mark and Jackson along with the kids, drive to Marks parents house*

Mark is currently reuniting with his family as most of them have gathered inside to greet him while Jackson is sat outside on a bench looking in through the glass doors at his wife;), or soon to be. Yugyeom and BamBam are playing outside, looking through some bushes to try to find dog poop or some sort of bugs as always. JB and Jinyoung are looking at something on Marks phone and talking about something very complex. They look mad but not at the same time, hands are flying everywhere but only in the way they talk. It's hard to explain but that's what Jackson sees it as. Youngjae is talking with the women and children all over, just randomly all over as he approaches them. Who knows what he's talking about with them, he is a strange child after all. 

While looking around, Jackson finds himself thinking about the ring he has to propose to Mark in his jacket pocket. He looks to Yugyeom and BamBam again, weird, then to JB and Jinyoung, weird, then to Youngjae, still weird. He decides to not pay attention to them anymore so he cautiously pulls out the ring and opens the little case. He doesn't want Mark to see it yet but he can't help but want to keep peeking at it every once in a while. It was so beautiful and shiny and it's not too big not too small. Perfect.


Jackson jumps and slightly screams as he hears someones voice right in his ear hole. He really hopes it's not Mark but he knows it's not because that's definitely not his voice, he can tell. But even though he knows this he can't help but quickly try to hide the ring. "W-what" he says out loud and turns his head to see Marks brother. He looks...happy or amused, either one. 

"It's okay, he's not even looking", Marks brother points to the window door and shows Jackson that Mark is in fact not looking at all. He's busy helping Youngjae take a bug out that Yugyeom probably put in his hair. Definitely not looking. 

"So~ what's this" Jackson turns his head to see Marks brother pointing at the ring that he hadn't hid very well. 

"Oh um, it's a ring...for M-mark" Jackson say hesitantly but he knows this guy will understand. 

"Well what are you gonna do with it? propose?" Marks brother says nonchalantly.

"Yes" Jackson says confidently.

There's a long pause, some time to think it seems like. 

"But i don't know when" he's nervous now for some reason.

"Just wait for the right time, it'll be worth it" Marks brother points to his wife who is now talking to Mark, they're getting along from what it looks like. And Jackson knows what he means when he points to his spouse. Now he knows that it really will be worth it once he does propose, he doesn't know why he worries so much. He knows Mark will say yes so he should have no reason to be nervous. 

When Jackson is done thinking, Marks brother stands up and pats his shoulder before walking off and into the house. It's like he's almost telling Jack to come inside and stop worrying and thinking so much. So he takes that and walks into the house as well, greeting Mark with a hug and kiss as he does so. 

The rest of the visit at Marks parents house is full of fun and surprises, especially from the kids when they come in and cause havoc. 

When the visit is over mostly everyone has left and it's getting dark outside. Mark and Jackson are at the door saying goodbye to Marks parents as the kids wait in the car for them. "Bye mom!" both Mark and Jackson say this at the same time but Jackson actually calls Marks father by his name when they say bye to him. 

After saying their goodbyes they close the door and walk hand in hand to the car and split way to theirs side only to open the doors to hear the kids wooing at them. Maybe because they were holding hands all the way to the car, such weird kids. 

They go to a nearby McDonalds on the way back to the hotel for ice cream simply because they felt like it.  The way back to the hotel is loud and noisy as the kids enjoy their ice cream and make chitter chatter, or wait is that Jinyoung and Yugyeom fighting again? Probably but they'll get over it when they get back. 

*Back at the hotel*

All the kids are in the bed while Mark and Jackson are still up. Mark had just gotten out of the shower and walks out to see Jackson sitting at the edge of their bed. He looks distracted by something but he's not looking at anything he's just staring at the floor. Mark throws his towel at Jackson and he jumps and almost freaks out. 

"Chill out it's just me" Mark says and hugs Jackson and just stays in his arms.

They sit there for a while but then Jackson stands up as he has spotted a radio music player. He turns on some slows jams while still hugging Mark close to himself. He sways back and forth with Mark slowly and steadily as the music guides them. 

The night continues with slows dancing and little jokes here and there about their day. It's nice and calm and Jackson finds no intention to be worried about proposing at all. He knows it's the right thing to do and at a good time. He knows Mark will say yes. 


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