Honey, I'm home!

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      Today was the day BamBam would finally be getting home after his long 5 week visit in the hospital. If you ask him he would say it wasn't very fun but it was memorable.

    Right now the whole family is walking into their house the first time with BamBam after a few weeks without him. Everyone is so happy and excited to finally have their boy home but something is bothering him. Although he is happy to see his family lull all over him, his mind is somewhere else. 

     Those few weeks at the hospital was quiet bothering to him, but then some moments were sad or happy and memorable. 

     *week 1*

     BamBam is sitting in his hospital bed getting his scanning of his shoulder and collarbone progression. He's kinda tired because he just got his blood taken and he flipped out the entire time. At least they got some blood.

     A nurse came in with a plate of cookies and she said because he's being so good he can have to whole thing. She shows him while he's laying in the bed, he looks up at her and pushes the plate away. 

    "Hey baby, why don't we go to the cafeteria so we can have a little lunch date, you know what i'm saying". He says and wiggles his eyebrows, the nurse looks at him like he's done the worst thing in the world.

   "I-I'm not a-allowed to do that" she stutters and looks away putting the cookies down. BamBam is really having some fun with this, after a while of not doing anything at all he's enjoying this.

    "Come on, we can get those jello cups you love" he says and sits back smoothly in his bed. The nurse doesn't even look at him, but he can see she's nervous. What has she never had a 7 year old flirt with her before.

    I d-don't even l-like Jello-cups" she says and continues what she's doing with the machines. She finally turns to him after probably not checking his blood and stuff. She looks at him with a warning face and BamBam takes his chance.

    "What am i too young for you, or am i too hot" he tries to do a little body roll but fails when he hurts his arm in the process. Alright this isn't fun anymore and thinks and tells the nurse to leave. The he calls her a peasant when she's gone but he knows she can hear him. "Man, this is gonna be boring" he tells his kittens and they look at him with curious eyes. At least he has them.

     *week 2*

     It's been two weeks already but to BamBam it feel like it's been two months. He has 3 more weeks in this nasty place and he really can't take it now. He doesn't have much fun with the nurses anymore because their too awkward. He still has his kittens but he can't even move to take care of them. 

    One day while he's staring at his little babies play around on the floor by themselves. There's a sound at the door and BamBam thinks it's a nurse so he doesn't turn to look. When he doesn't hear his usual greeting that's when he moves and sees that it's not a nurse or a doctor. It's a random man, he looks nice and he's dressed in a dapper suit but no too fancy. He turns from facing the door after giving up with trying to shut it. Once he sees BamBam he looks panicked, he's obviously in the wrong room.

    "I'm sorry, i didn't know anyone was in here" he explains and opens the door to leave but for some reason BamBam stops him. The man looks twisty with how much times he's turned in the past minute. He does again and looks at BamBam with a questioning look. 

*pat pat*

       "No, stay" BamBam looks at the dude with a serious face. He doesn't look old but he doesn't look young either. Without further hesitation after seeing BamBam's face he takes a seat in a chair by the bed. He waits a few seconds looking very awkward, thumbing with the keys he's holding in his hands. BamBam starts a conversation, asking why he was here. The man says he's here for treatment because he has a lump in his back.

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