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     The house is comfortably filled with all the kids again. Mark and Jackson couldn't be more happy that all of there babies are finally together again. Also slightly annoyed, no not slightly just a lot. 

    Besides the point, Jackson thought it would be a good idea to take his family on a little vacation. He thinks of it as a welcome home for BamBam, even though if they go on vacation they're not at home and because BamBam got home like 2 months ago. 

   That's not the only reason though, or the reason at all. As you may or may not know, Jackson and Mark have never gotten a chance to actually get married. They call each other husband and wife because they feel as if it's true. They live in Korea and it's not so excepting of two men getting married. Jackson thinks it's bulldooky so he said why not get married in america. 

   The problem is, Jackson needs to propose first...in america. He had his old job doing business trips on and off going back in forth from america to Korea. He knows his way around some states in america already and he's always wanted to show his family how nice it is. This trip wasn't about business though.

    Jackson isn't the best at keeping secrets but for Mark, he'll make this the best surprise he's ever had in his life. He's going to propose to Mark while on this vacation. Maybe in Disney land, he thinks as he plays with the dollar store ring he bought today. He wasn't actually going to propose with the 99c ring made for little girls. He has a plan for this.

     With all these business trips going on, with Jackson speaking English back and forth. The kids have learned some along the way. BamBam sticks around with the parents more often then not and he knows the language pretty well. Jinyoung knows it pretty well too but not as much as BamBam. All the other boys haven't really put enough interest in it to really care. Mark is from america so of course he knows English, in fact he had to teach Jackson a little bit for his job.

    With all the thinking aside Jackson looks up at the door when he hears Mark call his name. Jackson fumbles around to hide the ring, almost dropping it in the process before he finds a spot to put it in his pocket. 

    "Are you gonna pack or are you just gonna sit there and be awkward?" Mark says playfully. He knows Jackson can get weird so he didn't really question why he was in such a rush to hide something. 

    "I-i was packing, you just scared me" Jackson says back sitting up straight to sound confident in his words. He looks around and finds that his suitcase isn't even open yet and he hasn't even gotten a single sock in. 

    "Alright sure...do you need any help" Mark offers, seeing as his husband hasn't packed anything at all. Jackson nods quietly and Mark walks in to help him pack so they can get going faster. They weren't about to be late to the airport...again. 

    The kids were probably going crazy out in the living room. They're probably so excited that they're jumping around and slinging CoCo around as they please. BamBam wouldn't let anyone near his kittens, he's a protective dad. It's a good thing they won't be taking the animals on their trip, Jackson thinks of it as a break for CoCo.

     When Mark gets done packing Jackson's suitcase, like he has done to his own and all of the kids. He turns to Jackson and sits beside him on the edge of the bed where he has stayed ever since he asked Jackson if he needed help. Mark pushes him in the shoulder lightly to get his attention. 

   "Can you stop being quiet, it's weirding me out" Mark says and Jackson turns to look at him. To be honest Jackson can't stop thinking about the real ring and how Mark would react. Would he say yes to his confession or no. He internally slapped himself for thinking such things, Mark definitely say yes with no hesitation. But why was he so worried about this. 

    "Okay i'll stop being quiet~" he wobbles his voice as he responds to Marks weird request for him to talk more. Jackson stands up from the bed and looks down to where Mark is still sitting on the edge of the bed. He looks down at him seriously before pointing at him and saying "with the power of harry potter i dare you to get CUDDLED". 

    As he says this he jumps on the bed to hug Mark and roll around the bed with him and hugging him tighter. They giggle to each other as Jackson says more unusual things. Then they remember they have to get going before they actually are late once again. They get off the bed and take their luggage to the living room where the kids are. And as suspected, CoCo is barking at Yugyeom probably because he tried to touch his butthole again. 

     They get the kids together and make sure all dogs and kittens were left unharmed before leaving their house and packing into the one big car they have. They kids seem tired out for some reason and they fall asleep as soon as they get buckled in. 

    Jackson starts the car and drives off as Mark turns on the GPS to the airport. Since the little ones are sleeping now, Jackson knows they'll be energetic on the plane. Whenever they go on trips he wishes the kids would be there with them in sight. So he can make sure they're not getting into trouble and he can watch them. But today he wishes he wouldn't have to deal with them trying to stick crayons in his ears when he falls asleep. He feels bad for the people they have to get seated next to though.

to be continued...


hey people sorry again for the long time and no updates. i hope you like this chapter because it's more light hearted than the others before this. but yea that's it and bye bye:)

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