Yuggie is sad

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         There's a unknown sound that is played during the night while Mark and Jackson are sleeping. They wake up to the sound, almost scared. But when they see their adorable youngest child quietly opening the door, he tries not to be loud. Jackson looks at him worried seeing as Yugyeom was rubbing his eyes out of irritation. "What is it, Gyeomie", Jackson asked even more worried as he watches him crawl in between them  both. "It was just a nightmare appa, i'm ok though" he says and lays his head down, getting comfortable. To say that this didn't happen a lot was an understatement. And they just learned to get used to it now that it happened almost every week. And when the cute little bunny boy comes in their room late at night because he had a scary dream, he doesn't even have to ask if he can stay. It was sad to see him like this but in the morning he was always ten times happier, so it helped. 

      The next morning though he didn't look so happy to get out of bed to go to school and see all of his friends that he never stops talking about during the day. This morning is different. When he wakes up his eyes are red and he's slow to get up and brush his teeth. Mark never even once thinks about scolding him, as he sees his baby is going through a hard time. There's no time to ask when it's time to get on the bus to go off for a day of learning. It wasn't difficult though, this morning unlike the rest was slightly peaceful. It was because today Yugyeom didn't have a fuss to get up out of bed because he stayed up with BamBam all night. He was usually very much excited to go to school and learn new things and meet new people but today wasn't as expected. 

      Later that day and all the kids are home and playing around in the living room with CoCo while Mark watches them. Everything was as it normally is except for one thing. As soon as Yugyeom got home he didn't even look at anyone before he went to his room. That's what was missing in this chaotic living room. Mark caught a glimpse of his face and his eyes were red, just like they were this morning. Mark looked at BamBam because he knew everything even remotly close to anything like that boy. Even he didn't know as he shrugged his shoulders and continued to get on Jinyoung's nerves by punching him. And when BamBam threw to many punches and Jinyoung actually got mad Mark had to come in and stop them with a sigh of course. Soon Mark had forgotten all about Yugyeom, he shouldn't have but he knew he needed time to himself so he let him be, for now. 

      Right when Mark was about to get up and check on Yugyeom to see if he was ok, he came out of his room his eyes no longer red. He sat down on the couch next to his mother and looked at him with a face that needed something. "Eomma, can i tell you something" he says in his baby voice to get what he wants. Mark knows that he doesn't want anything, he just wanted to talk. "Of course bunny" Mark said in a reassuring voice to make sure Yugyeom knew he was listening and he grabbed his tiny hands to squeeze them if he felt the need to. "I-" it was cut off as Mark saw something in the corner of his eye he knew he couldn't ignore. He really wanted to listen and find out what was up with Yugyeom and why he was so sulky today but this was important. "Guys can we not put CoCo in the oven" Mark said and got up because BamBam was halfway into doing it and he knew he wouldn't stop. When Mark went back after he was done telling the kids not to kill their only animal, Yugyeom wasn't sitting in the spot he left him in. There was a door shutting in the background and before Mark could chase after him he was once again distracted.

*Yugyeom and BamBam's room*

       Yugyeom jumped onto the bed and lay down, already feeling his eyelids getting hot with tears daring to spill out. He didn't want to cry again with what the other kids said, he just couldn't help but have one single tear escape and fall onto the pillow below him. All he wanted for was someone to listen to him, he knew his mom was busy so it wasn't a good time. While deep in thought Yugyeom heard the door click and some footsteps that stopped at the foot of them bed. He didn't even bother to look up, knowing exactly who it was and why he was here. BamBam sat down right next to him on the bottom bunk and cupped his face and kissed the top of his head. BamBam wasn't usually the one that would show affection with his brothers, but with Yugyeom being younger than him, he felt the need to. He lay down so he was comfortable next to his little brother and hugged him telling him not to cry as he did so.

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