Chapter 22

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Here we are arrived in Honolulu,Hawaii. Everything about this place was gorgeous and breathe taking.

A beautiful Hawaiian women greeted me with a Lei which is necklace made of flowers which means Welcome or farewell "Aloha Welcome to Honolulu,Hawaii"

I nodded with a smile and said "Aloha"

We grabbed the rest of our luggage and got 2 taxes to take us to our Hotel.

I got out right after Zoey walking to the back of the Taxi getting my luggage and my duffel bag. I patiently waited for the rest of the girls to get and than we went into the lobby to wait on the boys' taxi to come.

Once they arrived we checked in and made room adjustments. Zoey and I would room together and Harry and Niall would room together just so there won't be any drama I just want to have fun here in Hawaii while it last.

Our room number was 347 we we're in the middle section of the hotel so that was good. Beside of us on the left was Carter and Louis,on the right was Kylie and Zayn,in front of us was Liam and Kalel,and beside them on the left which was diagonal from us was Harry and Niall room.

When we walked into our room the first thing I immediately see is the view of the beach. I see palm tress everywhere the perfect ocean blue sea. Waves crashing just everything was just so stunning, it felt like I was in paradise,even though I was.

We stayed in the Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort. It had mainly everything like a indoor pool for children,an outdoor pool + the beach. Restaurants we're near by the hotel. A steaming room and activities such as a Fitness center,a game room,And a playground, so MONKEY GO HAPPY!

For the bedroom part it had Two beds,Tan walls,a view of the beach and a small balcony.On the side of the bed is tv with a drawer underneath ,a night stand with a lamp,a bathroom with a shower,two sinks and a toilet.

I grabbed my phone connecting to the free Wifi because that's literally the first thing I do when I go to new places. I clicked on my messages and got one from Carter that read,

Let's go to the beach,put your Bikini on and headed down to the lobby,meet us in 5

"Hey Carter wants us to meet with her down in the lobby in five,we're going to the beach" Zoey nodded and went to the bathroom to change

I put on my black two piece bikini and put on a loose grey over size shirt,grabbing my small purse putting in my phone,earphones,sunscreen,room card and extra cash just in case and went down to the lobby catching up with the rest of the gang.


"Im Hungry" Kylie chirped up for the fourth time today

"Let's go to Tropics Bar and Grill" Louis suggested

We nodded and I went to go put some shorts on and through my hair into a messy bun.

When we got settled into the restaurant I sat in between Kylie and Zoey.

I scanned through the menu since Zoey and I both wanted the grilled Hawaii pizza we both split it and payed for our half of the bill.

After dinner we all walked back to the hotel. I took a shower and went to bed.


Well we're the hell have I been? I'm super sorry for my absence but I'm on Winter Break so maybe more Update?

Anyways hope you had a great Valentine's Day, I spent mine with my best friend so yeah. Sorry for the short update and that it was boring



P.S. Thank you for Over 700 reads and Over 100 votes Love you guys💋💜

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