Chapter 21

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I had just got done packing for the Hawaii trip. I was picking everybody up in like thirty minutes to go to the airport. I reached for my phone sending out a quick group message, telling everyone that I was on my way. Knowing that it was about to go off in like two seconds, I placed it in my back pocket,grabbing my suit cases and headed out the door.


I was sitting next to Harry just minding my own business,until this rude ass little kid kept hitting my seat. I was kind of getting ticked off because he kept doing it repeatly. See Harry and I got first class away from the other guys so we could spend alone time together but, right now I'm totally regretting it.

"Harry" I whined

Harry looked at me with a pouty face mocking me, I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"Just relax" Harry placed his hand on my thigh,I sigh really obnoxiously and turned my head to look out the window. Harry chuckled in responded and contiuted to scroll through Twitter.

I was starting to get a bit sleepy when that annoying kid kicked my seat again for the fourth billonth time! "THAT'S IT! LOOK YOU LITTLE BRAT KICK MY SEAT ON MORE FLIPPING TIME, I'M GONNA KNOCK YOUR TEETH DOWN YOUR THROAT" I scream

The little kid spit in my face and I lunged over my seat and was about to choke him but, Harry grabbed me by my hair and pulled me back pulling me all the way to the bathroom.

"LET GO OF MY FUCKING HAIR DAMMIT!" I yelled, untangling Harry's grip from my hair

"Do you really want to get kicked off the plan ZOEY?!" Harry asked

I nodded and walked over in this small ass bathroom to wash my face.


Harry came behind wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"You look sexy when your mad" He smirked,burrying his face into my hair

"Shut up" I joked laughing

He spun me around grabbing my face and kissing my lips softly

I smiled into the kiss "Alright let's go" I mummer into his lips

I grabbed his hand leading him back to our seats.

You got some #ZARRY action! I'll go back to Allie's Pov next chapter




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