Chapter 8

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It's been about a couple of weeks since Kyle and I had talk. I guess we're still considered going out, I mean he hasn't apologized or anything...yet

First and Second period classes flew by pretty quick I guess. It's just a casual Tuesday.

"Hey Allie, wait up!" I turned around to find Niall catching up to me

It was empty in the halls so it was just echoey when he shouted my name.

"Hello, what class are you heading to?" I say

"English with Aubrey" I rolled my eyes to that name


Niall and I both laughed and started to talk about other things until we turned a corner and there was Kyle literally shoving his tongue down Aubrey's throat.

I felt sick

"I can't even" I ran past Kyle going straight to the bathroom.


I'm so sick of Kyle playing with Allie's heart! She's so sweet, and down to earth. I just love her...

I ran up to Kyle,

"What the heck is your problem?" I sneered

"You got like five seconds to back the hell up, before I beat the living-"

By than I punched him right in the nose.

"Allie cuts okay? Don't you know she's depressed? Why would you go and break her heart again"

I decked him in the face again

He was about to say something but paused for a second and didn't say anything.

"She could be there in the bathroom cu-"

I didn't even have to finish the sentence, I ran straight towards the girls bathroom.


For some reason I just started bawling. I shouldn't even be crying I guess Aubrey got what she wanted

Without thinking I grabbed my razor from my bag.

I didn't even hesitate


He doesn't love me


He never did


Nobody loves me....Nobody

I slice a couple of more time. I felt kinda of dizzy beside I didn't really eat breakfast

Last thing I remember was Niall rushing into the girls bathroom...

Breathe Me (Nallie)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz