Chapter 12

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I woke up to the waves crashing and birds chirping.

Wait a minute..


Everyone bolted up from there sleep and ran to our separate cars.

Since the girls we're half sleep I decided to drive. As I just got done dropping Carter off, I let Kalel stay and shower in the guest room at my house and change since she lived about 10 minutes down the block from me but I didn't feel like taking that 10 minutes of time to drive her.

Once I got in the shower, I washed and shampoo,than got out the shower. After that was finished I managed to do my usual make up in about 5 minutes and did my hair. I threw on my melting ying yang tie dye shirt,my black stretchy leggings,and my all black Dr.Martins. Since my hair finally dried, And I was pleased with my look. I left my hair natural,grabbed my phone and book bag,than went downstairs and waited for Kalel to finish up.

When I checked the time it had just turned 7:40 school didn't start till 8 so we had 20 minutes. Finally Kalel came down dress in a colorful splash dye shirt,high waisted skinny jeans,and her converse. Her hair was tied in a messy bun and her makeup was the usual.

We haven't ate breakfast I decided to go Chick-Fil-A and got both Kalel and I spice chicken biscuit sandwich and than headed off to school.


Since we basically missed first period, I knew that we would all get Detention together. We all decided to wait for Zoey and Harry lazy asses to hurry up and get here.

Speaking of the couple, Harry and Zoey walked hand and hand together towards us all lovey dovey. Of course knowing Zoey she just had to have her early Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte. It was almost that time for Fall so obivosuly she would have to have it.

Zoey wore a lavender kinda color with pink and white little flower on them,the strap crossed over in the back which showed her shoulders and a little but of her back. She had on a beige cardigan to cover the back and had on beaded metallic gladiator sandals.Her hair was perfect fixed with a few pieces of hair braided around her head like a flower crown,and the rest was wavy and down.To top it all off her make up consist of mascara,and eyeliner.

For Harry's outfit he wore a white shirt,and a slight blue and red flannel,some black skinny jeans and black boots.Harry shook his hair a bit and slicked it back with his hands.

"Okay this isn't America's Top Model, Let's go people!" Liam said signaling for all of us to walk inside the building

We went to Office to let them know that we we're all here.

When we walked in we all walked up to the Mrs.Parkinson the lady who works up in office, look up at us through her huge big blue glasses staring at all 10 of us with stern looks.

"Why are you guys-" she paused for a moment looking at the time, squinting a little to see clearly

"Twenty minutes late?"

"We all over slept" Louis spoke up since all of us we're just staring at each other, like we didn't know what to say

"Uh-huh I see, We'll you guys get Dentition for missing first period and half of second for 'Sleeping in' late"

"WAIT WHAT THAT'S CRAZY! WHY THE HE-" Harry covered Zoey mouth

"Shut up!" I heard Harry whisper to Zoey

"Just for that you get an extra 10 for using language like that young-"


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