Chapter 19

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I was in so much pain I honestly didn't care anymore ... I can't explain to Zoey and Carter when they see everything ....

Slice ~ Niall hates me and always will ... I just know it. A tear streamed down my cheek

Slice ~ Kyle just felt bad for me and probably always will he doesn't think I'm " breath taking " , shit I'm uglier than a potato !

Slice ~ Aubrey took Niall away from me she always gets what she wants and always wins .

Deeper Slice ~ I thought of everything I could all the negative things in my life and made this one deeper then all of the other ones and made a few more deeper cuts.

I was laying there in my bathroom floor drowning in tears , listening to Zoey and Carter shouting my name to open up banging on the bathroom door was something I knew would eventually happen, I had to tell them sooner or later anyways ....

I decided to call Kyle he always made me feel better when I'm sad hopefully he's awake.

( K : Kyle - A : Allie )

K : Hello ?

A : Kyle ? A tear pricked down my cheek

K : Hey Alls are you okay ?

A : No , not really ... Niall and I got in an argument a few minutes ago and I, I just thought we were suppose to be best friends but it doesn't matter anymore . Can I ask you something Ky ?

K : It does matter Allie you know what I'm taking you out tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon so we can talk about it yeah? And anything babe ask me ?

I blushed ... I knew he didn't mean it though , and never would

A : Yeah uhm.. D-do you think I'm a bitch or a whore?

I lost it I started crying and I think this is the first time he's ever heard me cry I needed to stop

K : Allie .... *Sighs* who told you this? Was it Niall !? Don't cry babe it's okay it will all be okay .

A : Yeah it was Niall ... He started yelling at me and I got frustrated and so I yelled back at him but I didn't mean it I-I just got so mad..

K : I know Alls it's okay, I know it's going to be hard for you to hear this but I want you to distance your self from Niall , he's making you feel way worse than you already are ... I know you self harm Allie ... He told me the day you saw Aubrey kissing me .

A : Ky it's going to be really hard for me to do that well... maybe not anymore now that he's with Aubrey all the time actually I think I can do this

K : Thanks Alls , well I'm going to let you go get some sleep .

A : Alright goodnight Kyle ...

K : Goodnight Allie sweet dreams..

I hung up and gently turned the knob of the door and peeked when I saw Zoey and Carter laying on my bed asleep.

Niall left at around ten o'clock I clicked my phone and it appeared to be midnight already two hours full of crying,shouting,thinking, being scared to even open the damn door. I noticed this time I didn't pass/black out, although I did feel a little light headed on the last couple of deeper cuts I made.

I grabbed my special blanket I've had since I was born it's been here with me since I remember, only Niall,Zoey, and Kylie know about it. I lied down on my oversized beanbag not wanting to disturb Zoey or Carter and drifted away into my only happiness in this world my dreams ....

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