Chapter 16

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I was getting ready for the Romeo and Juliet play. All I could think about was that damn kiss.

Of course I didn't want Niall to kiss Aubrey nor did I want him to quite the play, but I had to deal with it, It's not like he likes me anyways... Right?

I slipped on my black converse which tied up my whole outfit. I wore a white shirt, with a red and white flannel (because flannel's go with everything), my black leather legging and my hair was a bit curly and my make-up was the usual.

I put my phone in my back pocket and grabbed my keys and headed out to go pick up Kalel and Carter.


When we arrived I spotted Zoey and Kylie just like that and walked towards them.

"Niall is backstage getting dressed, if you want to go talk to him before the play" Zoey said

I nodded and walked back there.

I pushed passed all the craziness backstage and found Niall.

"Allie Hi!" He smiled and embraced me into a hug

"Hey Niall, How are you?"

"A bit nervous but I'm hanging in there, Look I know your not happy about the kiss, but-"

"The kiss? Pss! I don't care just go have fun! Pal" I playfully punched his arm

"Amigo!" I punched him again

"Best friend!" I punched his arm harder

"Ow!, okay Allie, if you punch my arm one more time I think you might break it" He chuckled, holding onto his arm really tight

I smiled slightly "Sorry"

"It's okay I'll see you after the play, yeah?"

I nodded "Okay"

He kissed my cheek and I left backstage to go find my seat next to Kylie.

The lights had turned low and the play was brought to life....


It was now the scene where the kiss was taking place.

Zoey tapped me on the shoulder, I turned my head

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I whispered back

But deep down I wasn't...

I turned to the next page and followed the lines as Niall spoke.

Act 1, Scene 5, Page 5


(Niall took Juliet's hand) Your hand is like a holy place that my hand is unworthy to visit. If you're offended by the touch of my hand, my two lips are standing here like blushing pilgrims, ready to make things better with a kiss.
(The first fourteen lines Romeo and Juliet speak together form a sonnet.)


Good pilgrim, you don't give your hand enough credit. By holding my hand you show polite devotion. After all, pilgrims touch the hands of statues of saints. Holding one palm against another is like a kiss.


Don't saints and pilgrims have lips too?


Yes, pilgrim-they have lips that they're supposed to pray with.


Well then, saint, let lips do what hands do. I'm praying for you to kiss me. Please grant my prayer so my faith doesn't turn to despair.


Saints don't move, even when they grant prayers


Then don't move while I act out my prayer.

Here goes the kiss..

Niall's hand meet her cheek and he kisses her.

Now my sin has been taken from my lips by yours.


Then do my lips now have the sin they took from yours?


Sin from my lips? You encourage crime with your sweetness. Give me my sin back.

They kiss again

The play was cut off right there and we all clapped.

We'll you know except me.

After The Show

"Allie!" I turned around to a Happy Niall

"Niall! You did an amazing job" I gave him a hug

"Thank you" Niall chuckled

"We we're just about to go grab something to eat, would you-"

"Hey Niall, are you ready to go?" Aubrey chirped

Niall smiled, and shook his head "Yeah hold on"

I stared at Niall, he grabbed my hand and lead me far away from the group

"Sorry Allie but she asked at the last minute, We can hang out tomorrow and talk about the Christmas Masquerade Ball,Okay?"

I rolled my eyes "Yeah whatever"


"Just go before the slut get's mad"

"She's not a slut, Allie you need to come down"

I was a bit taken back from Niall's tone

I sighed "I don't-"

"You need to know the person before you go around talking about them" and with that Niall walked off

Really Niall...?



Sorry I've been super lazy but now I'm back with a new chapter so I hope you liked it!

Thank you for 340 reads it means alot!



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