Last Event

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The date is getting closer and I can't wait.

How I'm going to do it is do the Hayes one for the rest of this month then switch to the sequel next month.

I love you guys so much.

Sorry for a short update I'm sick and I don't feel good but I promised my friend Emma I would update.

Everyone comment "Hi" to Emma hahaha

I will update tomorrow and I know I procrastinate to much so email me to remind me.


Make sure to put the subject as


Also if you need to talk to me about anything make sure you put the subject as


Song of the day: Touch by Troye Sivan

Your POV:

The next day me and Jack woke up early and went to the conference room.

He wanted to practice a song to make sure he was loud enough just in case they need to have the music down when he's going.

Rapping isn't as easy as singing.

"How did that sound?" He aksed

"Perfect, like the one before that and the one before that and the one before that." I sighed

"I'm sorry it's just this is our last 3 days of all of us guys together." He said while sitting down on the stage

I walked over to him and hugged him

I know all the guys are hurt by this.

Shawn's going on tour, so is Jack and Jack, Nash and Cam and Hayes also Carter are gonna do their own thing, Taylor's going to do his own thing, Matt's doing whatever Matt does, Aaron is doing Aaron, and Mahogany is doing her own thing also.

I pulled back form the hug and looked up at him

"I know you want things to be perfect so they can remember this expirence as a fun moment and not be sad, but you'll do it perfect I know you will." I said

"You think so?" He smiled

"I know so." I laughed

When the event started I could hear girls screaming already.

Bart gave me a stupid clip board so I could make sure the boys were where they were suppose to be because Bart wanted this to be as good as possible so his greety ass can have a 2nd Magcon.

I rolled my eyes as he told me to take a role call and get the boys pumped up so they aren't sad.

I stood on the conference table with a stupid mega phone

"Listen up!" I shouted

The boys got quiet and looked at me.

Their sad eyes all made eye contact with me

"When I say your name I need you to share your favorite memory of this tour." I smiled while looking on the clip board

They just nodded obviously sad about this

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