I can have fun.

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Your POV:



I woke up before anyone else and walked into the bathroom.

Shit I had a red hand print on my face. I walked out of Taylor's room and to Jack's I walked in and went into the bathroom and tried covering it up with some blush it kind of helped.

I walked into the room and saw Jack sleeping I walked over and lifted up the blanket and laid down in his arms he woke up.

"Morning beautiful." He said before sitting up I sat up with him.

"Morning." I said

I had a perfect idea I slipped off my pants and put on one of Jack's shirts they were big enough to cover some what everything I grabbed my bag that had all what Shawn called "junk" I emptied it and the water guns fell out and a bunch of other stuff I grabbed them both then went and filled them up. Jack walked in when I was filling up the second one.

"What are you doing?" He asked while smiling

"We are going to wake everyone up." I said before I set the guns down and grabbed my bandanas from the pile of stuff I walked back in the bathroom to Jack sitting on the toilet waiting for me he wasn't using it so it was okay.

I folded the bandana and tied it around his head he laughed when I put mine on

"What's so funny?" I asked

"Nothing it's just you can be such a little kid sometimes." He said while laughing even more

I grabbed my black lipstick from my make up bag and put it on my cheeks like a football player and I had Jack lift me up on the sink to do it to his face.

Considering he was still in his boxers he put on some sweatpants and didn't bother with a shirt I looked at him and handed him a water gun

"Ready?" I asked

He looked down at me "I guess." I smiled before opening the door

"Lets getter done." I said we both started laughing.

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