It's hard to face reality.

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It feels like forever since I've been able to do this so sorry if its not as good.

I kind of gave up on trying to fix things I'll just forget it and just keep updating

So when school starts for me I will be updating when I have time during the week and on the weekends Katie gave me the idea of reading MLWJG to you guys so idk should I?

So lets do this right, if thats possible.

Song of the day- Hard 2 face reality By Justin Bieber

Your POV:

 So we're on the plane to Oklahoma

Kind of excited for this event because Jack and Jack have a new song they're gonna preform and also Mahogany's gonna let me help with music

This time theres gonna be no drama, hopefully

I'm sitting next to Nash and Jack, of course I'm stuck in the middle

I was sharing headphones with Nash and he couldn't decide on a song he kept flipping through them

"Nash." I said and grabbed his hand from clicking on a song

"Sorry.. I guess I'm just nervous." He said

"Nash Grier? Nervous? Please." I said while rolling my eyes

"No I mean the whole thing with Hayes selfharming I'm scared that someones gonna notice." He said and laid his head on my shoulder

I feel like its my duty to make sure Hayes and Nash are happy and keep them moving

I kissed the top of his head and held his hand properly

"It's gonna be okay I'll make sure of it." I said

"Can you cover them up?" He asked

I smiled "Yeah."

I kissed his forehead and I felt him smile

I felt someone kiss my neck and I looked over to Jack who was smiling at me

When we landed a lot of girls were waiting there

I pulled Hayes to a family restroom

"What are we doing in here?" He asked

"I need to put make up you." I said

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my foundation

I grabbed his arms and covered them up

"This feels weird." He said

I washed my hands then put it back in my pocket

We walked out and back over to the guys

I stood away from them as they took pictures

"(y/n)!" I turned around and saw Shawn holding his bags and his guitar

I dropped my bags and ran towards him

He put his stuff down as I jumped into his arms

He hugged me tight and swung me around

"I missed you." I said while taking in his scent

"I missed you too. And whats this about you going to jail?" He asked while pulling back

"I may or may not have beat the shit out of Madison Beer." I said quietly

He laughed and kissed my forehead

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