Beach Fun

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Jack G POV:

Hayes and (y/n) were surfing and everyone was swimming and doing whatever. When they came back I asked her if I could join she got really excited "Yes, of course you can."

We raced out into the ocean and right when I was knee deep I set down my surfboard and started paddling it (y/n) was about 5 feet behind me

"Babe wait up!" She yelled I swam faster and started laughing. When I got to a good spot I sat up with in 30 seconds (y/n) was right next to me breathing heavily

"Winded?" I said before laughing she smacked my arm.

We sat there watching the waves talking.

I looked over at her. She's so beautiful, her hair is naturally curly and I like it, it's better then her straightening it. Her smile is amazing, her beautiful (y/e/c) eyes are perfect. I think she saw me looking,

"What's that smile for?" She asked while smiling. Smile? was I smiling?

"Uh, I don't know. You're just so beautiful." I said before sliding off of my surfboard and swimming over to (y/n)

She giggled while I rested my arms on her board.

"Wanna swim with me?" I asked her while grabbing her hand she smiled and jumped off her surfboard and pulled herself on me and held me close.

I looked into her beautiful green eyes and leaned in for a kiss,

"Can't you wait until we get back to the hotel to do that?" Hayes said out of no where.

"No I'd rather do it now." (y/n) said before acting like she was going to kiss my neck

"Ew!" Hayes yelled we both laughed

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