Nash's Challenge pt. 1

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Okay so I'm gonna use the time I have and update since I don't have school tomorrow.

I just wanna say I love you guys so much and thank you for all the support

And helping me grow stronger not only as a person but as a writer.

I feel like I never say thank you enough so yeah.

So a change of plans my mom is an ass hole and is taking my laptop once again so I don't know if I can do a Younow.

I'll say what I'm doing on Twitter so those of you who don't have one I'll have someone comment on this update saying what I said.

I love you, enjoy the update.

Song of the Day- Caraphernelia by Pierce the Veil

Your POV:

Hanging out with Nash and Hayes is always nice.

I'm sitting on the sand watching them dunk each other under the blue turning into white waves.

"Come swim!" Nash yelled to me

"Why?" I yelled back

"Because only losers sit on the sand." Nash said while walking closer to me

"Guess I'm a loser then." I said looking up at him

"Well we're gonna have to change that." Hayes said while pulling me up

"I don't feel like swimming though, how about we barry Hayes under the sand?" I asked

"Why is it always me?" Hayes whined while sitting on the sand

"Because you're the smallest." I laughed

"So? I'm almost as tall as you." He said

"So? You're still the smallest." I said while sitting next to him

"Why don't we do something else?" Nash said

"Like what?" I asked

"We're gonna need a lot of paint and whip cream." He said with a smirk

The same smirk that makes me feel all warm inside

"The things you come up with scare me." I laughed while getting up and helping Hayes up

"I'll just leave my car here, we can come back for it later." He said while walking over to my car

"Fine but you're driving." I said while tossing him the keys

He caught them and smiled and made screaming fan noises while putting his hands in the air

"Nice catch." I rolled my eyes

"You're just jealous." He said before hitting my butt and running to the driver side

Did he mean to do that?

Was it meant to be my back but he missed it?

I shook my head then got in passenger

After we got the paint and whip cream and a baby pool,

Why? I don't know Nash got to thinking and it happened.

When we got home Hayes took the stuff to the backyard

I walked inside and heard music playing from the music room

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