No one messes with a pregnant womans bestfriend

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I haven't packed for Chicago and we leave tomorrow morning at 5

I still have homework to do and someone wanted me to do a YouNow

I gotta do a short update before I pack.

OH MAH GAWWW So lets go do dis

Song of the day- She aint you by Chris Brown

When you get done reading and want to watch my YouNow Comment

"Amanda is bae"

Your POV:

We're finally back home.

I ran inside with Taylynn and let her meet Slinky

Jack's been giving me the silent treatment ever since we got on the plane

Nash and Hayes ran into the kitchen to eat

"Babe whats wrong?" I asked while stopping Jack from going into the kitchen

"Nothing." He lied

He was pissed about something I don't know what though

I thought about the whole weekend and what I could've done

"No tell me." I said while trying to look into his eyes

"I said its nothing." He said while rolling his eyes and getting even more pissed

I grabbed his hand and he pulled it away

"Don't touch me." He said while walking away

"What the fuck did I do this time?!" I yelled

"You know what you fucking did! You do this everytime you do it! I'm so tired of you doing this!" He yelled back turning around and facing me

"What did I do?!" I yelled

"Every fucking time you get a lot of hate you fucking think its okay to selfharm its not!" He said while backing me up onto a wall

"I don't think its okay I just need to get my feelings out somehow. I'm sorry I can't just let go of selfharm, Jack!" I yelled while leaning against the wall

Hayes and Nash peeked around the corner to see what was going on

"Am I not good enough? Is that what this is? I'm not there for you am I?!" He yelled

I let some tears slip out because Jack was scaring me. He never gets in my face like this.

"ANSWER ME!" He yelled and raised his fist

I closed my eyes and he punched the wall

I opened my eyes and looked at the hole in the wall that was next to me

I looked at him and then ran to my room

I plopped down on the bed and cried

I looked at the cuts and burns

I'm such a dissapointment

I heard knocking on the door

"(y/n)? It's me." Hayes said

"I know you're in there will you please open the door? Jack's gone, he went to Sam's." He said

"Of course he did." I said and got up and let him in

He hugged me

"What do I do?" I cried into his shoulder

I felt someone else join the hug

I looked up and saw Nash

I put my head onto his chest

I heard pounding on the front door

Then Amanda practicially knocked it down

"Where the fuck is he?! No one messes with a pregnant womans best friend!" She yelled while running around looking for Jack

"He's not home." I said

"Where the fuck did he go?!" She asked

"Who the fuck called Amanda?" I laughed

"Sorry.." Nash laughed

"Where the fuck were you guys when he almost punched her?" Amanda said while walking out of the kitchen with some ice cream

"When they fight we normally stay out of it." Hayes said

"Battle to the death." Amanda said while shoving ice cream into her mouth

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