Oooooo Matt has a secret.

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Your POV:

I was sitting by Matt when all of a sudden his phone went off it was a text from some girl named Mia..

Of course me being a snoop I opened before he could grab it

"Is this Matt?" I smiled and Hayes walked over

"What are you doing?" He asked

"Follow me real quick." I said I got up and Hayes grabbed onto the back pocket I had on the onesie it felt like he was touching my butt but oh well.

I walked over to Jack "I'll be back me and Hayes are gonna go do something." I kissed him and grabbed Hayes' hand and we took off running I ran to my room and we slipped on shoes

"Is that Matt's phone?" He asked

"Yeah." I said while getting up "Go get the keys from the manager tell him that we're going to get McDonalds." He ran to grab the keys I walked out in the hallway and waited he finally came back and gave them to me I put my hood up and we went in the elevator and waited when it opened and Matt was there

I shoved the phone in my bra

"Hey have you guys seen my phone?" He asked

"No I thought you had it on the couch in the conference room." I said

"I can't find it and Cameron said he saw you with it." Matt said before walking out of the elevator I turned towards him and the door closed I pressed the button

"I don't have it sorry." I said the door opened and I ran in and pressed the button Hayes jumped in before it was closed

"That was scary." He said I started laughing when we got to the main level I grabbed the keys out of my pocket and we took off running outside I heard Matt yelling behind us

"Give it back!" We ran faster we got in the car and drove off we pulled into a Walmart parking lot. I pulled out Matt's phone and texted the girl back.

 "Yeah sorry I lost my phone other wise I would've texted you back sooner."  Seemed reasonable

"Okay that's fine. Are we still on for or date when you get back from Magcon?" Ooooo Matt has a girlfriend

I yelled "MATT HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" and Hayes started laughing

"No way! Let me see." He said while grabbing the phone "Oh god he does."

We started laughing.

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