The End.... For now.

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Thank you for this amazing journey, Hopefully I don't have to wait a month to talk to you guys.?

Come and read my Hayes one after I post this chapter.

I love you guys you mean the world to me.

You've helped me be a stronger person and better writer.

So lets not be sad about this because there is a sequel.

Make sure you follow Grande fever on Vine she makes really good edits and gawww I'm in love haha.

Also comment #JALLIE because me and one of our family members (so one of you) are going to be the best of friends and we're going to ship us.

So Jenn (JailBreak) it's official Also comment our ship name ahah.

Song of the day- Moments by One Direction

Your POV:

Magcon is officially over, fans are upset, me and Jack aren't together we're still working on it.

I still live with Jack J and all the guys and I have planned a vacation for a whole week before Shawn leaves for his tour.

"Ready?" Johnson asked walking into my room

I grabbed my bags and charger and phone

Amanda and Connor said they would watch Taylynn and Slinky

We walked out the door to be greeted by Nash and Hayes

I ran over to Nash and hugged him

I haven't seen him in forever... Okay its been 3 days but still

We're all going on a boat to a beach house for a week which should be fun.

"Can I ride with you and Jack?" Hayes asked

"You and Nash might as well." Jack laughed while pushing bags into the trunk on his car

Nash and Hayes helped Jack with the bags as I started the car and turned the air on

When we got to the dock where the boat was all the guys were there

I got out and got my bags from the trunk

"I could help you with that." Jack Gilinsky said while taking them

"Thanks." I said while following him

He set my stuff down in a room with the other guys' bags

"So I know we've been working on getting back together and um I was wondering if we could maybe talk about it." He said before licking his lips then biting his bottom lip

I really didn't want to talk about it because it always puts me in a bad mood

"What is there to talk about? I'm still deciding if I can trust you or not." I said

"I know, I wouldn't be able to trust myself either but you have to at least give me this week to show you that I'll be loyal to you." He said grabbing my hand

"I'll give you a week, if it works out then we can date. No bullshit, Gilinsky." I said

He smiled "No bullshit."

He picked me up and hugged me

"I've missed your touch." He mumbled in my hair

I slowly wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek

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