I wanna do something for you guys.. Kind of.

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Hi people *awkward wave*

Okay so heres the thing.

I realized that you guys don't know me and you probably don't want to (I've realized that you guys don't when I first started haha)

Anyways... I like talking to you guys because then I can get feed back and get some ideas on what to put next.

See the thing is I procrastinate way to much and I said I'd add some of you in the story and I've been to lazy to add you guys and I feel terrible.

So I'm going to add you guys soon I promise.

But I really want to get to know some of you and I want you guys to get to know me. I feel like I can trust you guys.

When I write some of the sad things those are some what true.

I cut myself, I feel worthless, and I have tried to commit suicide.

I hate the way I am I don't like my reflection.

Nash saved me. One day I went home early from school and when I got home all the things everyone calls me were all jumbled in my head and I went into the bathroom and took a hand full of pills I was about to end it I was crying so hard that the pills fell out of my hand because I was shaky. I fell to the ground and I remember saying to myself "You let these people hurt you." Then my phone lit up because Nash tweeted and I saw the lockscreen on my phone it was a picture of Nash I stopped crying and I wiped my tears away and I grabbed my phone and went on vine and started watching his vines. The Magcon Boys make me happy.

So theres kind of a sum of my life.

If you have any questions comment below and also if you ever want to talk or something you can always kik me: jeyounit1

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