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Okay so I'm back clearly haha but I just wanted to say a couple things before I start.
You guys were the people who helped me through getting out of there. I realized I would do anything for you.
I kept worrying about not having chapters out and if you guys would just leave. So to make up that long time of not updating I'll make multiple chapters today and tomorrow until Wednesday
Before I start though, I'm using my phone to update so if there are spelling errors or "i" is lower cases is because my phone doesn't change it to a upper case.

Jack G POV:

I woke up to (y/n) crying and clutching the bed sheets.

I let her take a nap because she clearly needes it.

"Babe it's okay calm down." I said while putting my hands on hers

She let go of the blanket and opened her eyes and hugged me

I rubbed her back and kisses her

She started smiling and wiped away her tears.

"Can we go swimming?" Jack J whined while walking in

Your POV:

"Jack, you're always ruining the moment. Can't you swim with Hayes or Nash?" I said

"They don't want to unless you two do." He said while pulling down his pants and revealing his swim trunks

I got up and Jack G threw a pillow at my butt

"What was that for?" I said while turning around

He laid back down "I don't wanna get up."

"So you hit me?" I said while laughing a little

He smiled and started laughing a little

I grabbed my swim suit and his

"Here weirdo." I said while putting his on the bed by him

He groaned "Can you put it on for me?"

"Yep, I'm leaving. I'll be in the living room if you need me." Jack J said while walking down stairs

I sighed and walked over to Jack and took the blanket off him.

"Sit up so I can take your shirt off." I said

He groaned and stayed still

I laughed a little and bent down and pulled him up

He yawned while wrapping his arms around me and pulling me on his lap so I was facing towards him

"Jaaaaccckk." I whined while slipping his shirt off and trying to get up

"(yyyyyyyyy/nnnnn)" He whined back

"Let me go." I said

He pulled me down on the bed and kissed me

"Are you dressed yet?" Jack J said from outside the door

"No Jack won't cooperate." I said while laughing

I got up and stood Jack up

"God you weigh a ton." I said in a joking way

"Yeah but it's muscle so I wouldn't expect you to be able to lift me up." He said

"Is that a bet I hear?" I said while pulling down his pants and grabbing his trunks

He smiled "I don't want you to do anything stupid."

I bent down so I could put his trunks on

"I won't do anything that stupid." I said while he lifted up on foot and the  the other

I pulled them up and he sat on the bed while pulled his socks off

"What are the rules?" He asked

"If I can give you a piggy back ride for 10 seconds you have to sleep outside." I said while walking in the bathroom and changing

"What if you can't?" He asked while getting up and helping me tie my swim suit top

"Then I'll sleep outside." I said

We walked down stairs and Jack followed us outside

"Okay let's do it." Jack G said

"Do what?" Jack J asked

"Count to ten when Jack gets on my back." I said

"Not another bet, last time I ended up with a boner." He whined

I laughed and Jack G came over and jumped on my back

"For Narnia!" He yelled while sticking his fist in the air

I laughed and walked forward

"7, 8, 9, 10!" Jack J yelled

I sighed and let Jack down

"Looks like you're sleeping outside." I said

"But we have that Paradise trip tomorrow so how will I wake up in time?" He said

"Fine you just have to stay outside for the rest of the day until bed time, which is in 2 hours." I said

"But I have to pee." He said while doing a potty dance

"There's a bush over there, knock yourself out." I said while covering my eyes and turning around

"You're a cruel person." He said while walking back to the bush

"You love me." I said while smiling

"That's the problem!" He yelled at me

I laughed as I heard him pee

I uncovered my eyes and looked at the back door waiting for him to get done.

"Hey guys why arent you swimming ye- EW! JACK! ARE YOU PISSING ON A BUSH?!" Hayes yelled while pointing

I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe

"i had to! I lost a bet." He said while sitting down in a chair

Hayes shook his head and Nash came out

"Hey guys why aren't we swimming?" He asked

"Jack peed on a bush." Hayes said

"What? Why?" He said while laughing

"I lost a bet.. You guys are never going to let this go are you?" Jack said

"No considering no one will." Jack J said

"Are you vining this?" He said while smkling a little

Jack J put his phone down "I was."

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