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Your POV:

I went to Jack's room and got on the other bed

"This sucks." I said while looking over to Jack 

"What you don't like hanging out with me?" He said joking around

"I want to be in Jack's arms." I said sitting up

"Well if you insist." He said while getting up and walking to me and hugging me I pushed him away playfully

"Not you Jack My Jack." I said while laying on my side

"Okay." He said

"Okay?" I asked

Then Jack walked in the room and laid down with me

"What are you doing in here?" I asked

"I missed you." He said smiling

"Won't you get in trouble?" I said cuddling up with him

"Yeah but oh well. This is worth it." He said

"Oh god." I said before we both fell asleep.

I woke up to the manager talking really loud to Jack

"I told you you couldn't see her last night. You were suppose to get some rest." He said

Jack smiled "I did get sleep I sleep better with her in my arms." Jack replied while sitting up

"Who's idea was it?" He asked

"It was mine." Jack said starting to laugh

"Whatever did you at least sleep about 8 hours?" He asked

"Yeah I sleep better with her." Jack said once again.

I sat up and smiled "Morning."

His manager looked at me and started laughing "Did you get enough sleep?" I laughed

"Is my hair a mess?" I said while pointing at it

"Yeah." He said while laughing and heading to the door

I yelled after him "Then yeah I did!"

Me and Jack looked at each other and started laughing.

We both got up and he was in his boxers I started laughing

"Someone's got morning wood.." I said as I slipped on my elephant slippers and heading to the door to go back to mine and Jack's room.

He slipped on his pants and walked out without a shirt.

My Life With Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now