Stay off your foot

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I know its been a while but I've been super busy.

I have a huge social studies project and a shit ton of math tests.

I have homework out the ass.

Haha anyways my face is fine it wasn't a deep cut.

The ending date is coming up and I'm so excited.

Me and Amanda made a Twitter together so go follow it



Okay here we go.

Song of the day: Numb by Nick Jonas

Your POV:

After the beach I was tired.

When we got to Sammy's car I put my towel on the seat then got in and sat down

"Where to?" Nate asked

"Well we will go to (y/n)'s house and you can see Jack and Jack." Sam said

When we got home I got out and my foot was hurting a little

I just brushed it off and kept walking up to the door

When I got in Sam and Nate were behind me

"Jack!" I yelled

"Music room!" He yelled back

We walked upstairs and went to the music room

They had their moment and I decided to leave them alone.

I walked to my room and saw Taylynn and Slinky on the bed wrestling

I sat down and started playing with them

"What're you doing." I smiled while picking up Slinky's chew toy

After playing with them for 5 minutes I went to the bathroom to shower

As I was washing the conditioner out of my hair

my foot started hurting again

When I was done in the shower I dried off and got into my Sulley from Monsters Inc onesie

I grabbed the brush and peeked into the music room

They were all joking around

I don't want to disturb them...

I walked into Nash's room and him and Cam were making a video

"(y/n)! Come say hi." Cameron smiled

I laughed and walked over in between them

"Hey." I said

Nash grabbed the brush without me asking and started brushing my hair

"Next question... If you got stuck in a room for 5 hours who would you want to be with?" Cameron said

"Oooo.... I think Courtney." Cameron said

"Why?" Nash laughed while still brushing my hair

"Because she's my girlfriend, funny, sweet, and we could just talk." He said

"You do that now though." I said

"Yeah but this is like for 5 hours straight." Cam laughed

"I would say (y/n), because she would like find a way to get out and we would go to McDonalds." Nash laughed

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