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Hey guys. So last night was pretty .. crazy.

But I just wanted to tell you guys something before the next chapters up.

Well for starters I won't be updating for awhile but don't worry my brothers going to do it for me.

So yeah Gatlinn will take over for a while.

Also before Gatlinn does I just wanted to say something that happened today and no one really knows not even my best friend I didn't even tell her.

So last period came around and I knew there was something wrong with me when I walked in there but I couldn't really figure it out anyways I was sitting there and I felt like I was about to cry so I stopped myself and after awhile the feeling came back and I couldn't really do anything so I let a couple tears fall out and my crush was sitting right in front of me and he turned around to ask me something but he saw me crying and he wiped my tears away and asked what was wrong then this annoying girl named Natalie was like "She just wants attention from you I mean after all she has a crush on you and everyone knows this." I ignored her and my crush told her to shut up

Anyways so I finally stopped crying and when we got out of class I grabbed my bag and went to wait for my sister and I started talking to my friends and I got the feeling that I was going to cry again so I was making a joke about it because either way I was going to start crying.

So I get in my sisters car right when she pulls up and I started balling my eyes out.

She was trying to get me to calm down and I couldn't stop.

She was mad at me for some reason and she told me if I don't stop crying then she'll make me walk home. Well we live out of the school district and it's really cold so I was sitting there trying to stop crying and I couldn't stop and about 15 minutes away from our house I was crying silently then she stopped and made me walk.

So I had to walk home in the cold crying and I got a call from my brother he asked me where I was and I couldn't answer because I was crying and finally I got it out and told him well he told me to stay there and he'll be there in a minute

So I stopped and waited and when he got there I got in his car and we came home and he started freaking out on my sister and my sister was yelling about how it's annoying that all I do is cry and theres no point of me being alive if all I'm good for is crying.

So anyways that's it really I mean theres nothing else left to say besides I feel like I'm burning in hell. Last night I fell asleep crying.

Well I guess there is that my crush called me right when I got home and asked if I was okay and now we're skyping.

But I can still hear my sister bitching about me but it's whatever.

Gatlinn will be doing the song of the day.

Bye guys.

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