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Your POV:

Matt ran out first and I could hear everyone screaming

Then Aaron, Then Carter, Then Hayes, Then Cameron, Then Nash, Then Taylor, then Shawn, After him was Jack J.

Jack and I were suppose to go out together everyone was chanting "Jack" I grabbed his hands again and Mahogany yelled "Jack and (y/n)!" we walked out and Nash grabbed a microphone

"(y/n) is Jack's girlfriend they've been dating for 11 months and we thought you guys should meet her first." I looked over to Jack and he was smiling I smiled at him and he looked down at me and we walked up on the stage.

We stood by Taylor and Jack J. Taylor looked at me and put his arm around my shoulder and whispered to me and pointed at a girl

"She's the one who met you and she called you beautiful." I smiled and then he looked at her and she waved at me I waved back.

Okay now it's time for pictures and signing everyone went to there spots and I went with Jack and sat in a chair where he was while he was taking pictures then the girl who called me beautiful was next she asked for a picture with Jack and then just me. I smiled and got up and Jack said

"They love you more then me." I laughed after the picture the girl went to Taylor's line I sat back down and watched Jack take pictures a couple girls behind the girls that were waiting for a picture yelled my name and looked over and saw them they were waving I waved back.

They yelled something but I couldn't hear her so I told her to come closer she got really red and came over to me and I leaned over the table and she said "You are extremely beautiful Jack's lucky to have you." I smiled then replied with

"Thank you." She hugged me and went back to her spot Jack looked at me then whispered in my ear

"What was that all about?" I said "Nothing she just said I was pretty."

"I told you they would love you." I laughed

My Life With Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now