"What happened to your arm?"

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Your POV:

When I woke up Jack was already awake he was staring at me

"What are you doing?" I asked 

He smiled "Just watching you." He said before kissing my nose

I laughed "Weirdo." I said before getting up 

I walked down stairs and Ciera was on the couch with Nash watching tv and eating.

"Guys what did I say about eating on the couch?" I said while standing in front of the tv 

"No eating unless we share with you." Ciera said while nudging Nash

"What?" He said

"Give her some." She said he made a face and it made him look like he had a double chin

"What? No you can." He said while portecting his food

"Well I'm not moving until I get at least one chip." I said Ciera laughed

"Fine then, we'll use you secret weapon." She said

"This isn't Shark Boy and Lava Girl just give me a chip." I said while smiling Nash laughed then yelled


I crossed my arms "What is he going to d-" But before I could finish my sentence Taylor came and picked me up and then sat down in the chair and put me on his lap

"I just wanted a chip." I said while crossing my arms and pouting 

Nash tossed Taylor his bag, he dug through it for a while then pulled out a bag of kit-kats 

"Here." He said while opening it for me and giving me one

"Yay!" I yelled while grabbing it

"Are you sure you're 16?" Nash asked

"She's almost 17." Ciera said

"Oh yeah, I forgot you have a couple weeks until April 26th." Nash said

"How can you forget?" I said

"I didn't." Jack said I turned over to where he was standing I was gonna get up and give him a hug and a kiss but Taylor had his arms around my waist still.

I smiled and Jack bent down and kissed me.

"So what's the plan for today?" Taylor asked

"Well considering Ciera's finally back I vote we go to the beach." I said

"Are you sure you want to go swimming?" Taylor asked

"I don't have to swim, I can make a sand castle." I said

"Yeah, we could take Sky with us to hang out with you." Nash said while getting up and putting the chips away.

"Okay then, Beach it is." Jack said

At the beach:

Everyone was playing in the water while me and Sky were sitting in the sand kind of close to the water.

Sky had a pink swim suit on that said "Sass game so strong."

For Christmas me and Nash got it for her

We were making a sand castle and considering that it was really hot out I took off my sweat shirt, so the only thing I was wearing was a sports bra and shorts.

Skylynn went to the water and filled a bucket up with water then came back.

I finished digging a circle around the castle for the water and she carefully poured it in it filled up like a pond around it

"We need a flag for the top." She said

I grabbed Ciera's purse and pulled out a napkin and grabbed a stick

I took out band-aids and took off the sticky part to use as tape.

When I was done it looked somewhat like a flag I smiled and gave it to her she put the flag on top of the castle and laughed she sat down in front of me on my towel and grabbed my hands

"Lets play pat.... What happened to your arm?" She said with a questioning look

"Oh Slinky scratched me." I said while faking a smiled

"Silly dog." she said

"Yep, Silly dog.." I said

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