1-Lion Slobber

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I wake up to the gleam of sunlight peaking in through the leaves. It's a beautiful day but something isn't right. I slowly put my hand on my eyes to wipe out the sleep but when I feel my face, it is wet and as I pull my hand away, tiny strings appear in front of me, making me cringe.

I bolt upright shaking my palm to get the moisture off and come face to face with a lioness. Well, that explains the slobber. I lock eyes with the cat for a moment before shoving my hand on its head and using it to haul me out of my tiny tent.

"Thanks for waking me up Cubs, it just feels right to have lion slobber as your alarm clock," I say before giving her an annoyed look.

Cubs gives me a cheeky grin before sauntering away, probably to slobber on her next victim.
The sun beams down upon my tribe, illuminating the tents and heating up the atmosphere. I take a deep breath of the fresh air and stretch my hands up.
Now that I'm awake, I decide to go hunting so I grab my hunting bag, some spears, and set off.

Cubs is my Lioness, she was the only thing left with me other than the flower that was in my hair, so she is the only real family I have left. Except for Nut but we will get to him later. Me and my tribe live right in the middle of the jungle. Everyone in it used to be normal people that lived in normal towns, but ever since the Endgame War started ruining everything, we had to escape. We live in one of the 6 jungles left in the world because unfortunately, the war got to the others first. And to my parents first. But I can't think about that right now. I have to focus on hunting.

I venture deeper into the forest, grabbing bamboo sticks wherever I go and shaving the tips as I walk, to make spears. I was given the role of "Hunter" about a year ago and it was a very big accomplishment for someone of my age to get.

Suddenly I hear a snort and stop dead in my tracks. In the thick undergrowth, a wild pig is snuffling about, 3 meters in front of me. I grab a spear and aim. Just as I am about to throw it, Cubs rushes through the bushes and scares away the pig.

"UGH! Really Cubs?!" I scream, probably scaring away any other wildlife in the forest. She just smiles and rolls on her back like an idiot.

"Let's go," I say, attaching my spear to my side again, "And be quiet this time."

We walk for another 2 hours and only find a small bunny and a few birds I manage to shoot down and stuff into my hunting bag. I have to be better than this if I want to keep the Hunter title.

As we journey back I prepare to give this to Stripes. Stripes is the tribe's best cook and kind of my guardian. She was the one that found me and Cubs all alone in the jungle and helped me get on my feet. Literally. I was a baby. She is the one I give the food to and we work together as a pretty good team. Cubs was meant to grow up to be a fierce lion and help me hunt but she's just... egh? She's just there, you know, our...Cheerleader. Yes, our cheerleader.

When I arrive at camp I prepare for a Nut attack. I start the countdown in my head, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...


This kid never stops.

Nut comes over and gives Cubs a belly rub while I stand with my arms crossed and my hunting bag crumpled on the floor. Nut is eight and a small, ginger, freckled boy that is very hyper but as annoying as he is, I love him.

"Do you ever just chill Nut?" I ask.

He stares at me like I am crazy and slowly stands up. He is nowhere near as tall as me but he tries his best to stand on his tippytoes and point directly at my face.

"The Nut can NEVER be c h i l l."

He then screams OOGGA BOOGA and runs off while I stand there wondering what the heck is wrong with him.

Nut suddenly comes running back and asks, "So do you have any food for me or not, sis?"

"No," I reply and give him one of my killer stares. He pouts and runs off again.

Nut insists on calling me 'sis' because we were both raised by Stripes. He is about 3 years younger than me and looks up to me which is why I always get lectures from Stripes saying how I should be nicer and a good role model. He doesn't have any parents either and he always sticks with me because I'm the only one he really trusts. Stripes named him Nut because we quickly found out that he is as hyper as a little squirrel and the nuttiest guy I have ever come across.

I walk over to the main tent and try and find Stripes. She is in the humid kitchen dripping in sweat and looks happy to see me. Stripes is definitely one of the better-looking woman in our tribe. She is a brunette and a curvy, wide-eyed lady, known for her famous tiger recipe which is how she got the name Stripes. I personally don't eat that dish because even though I know we have to kill animals to live, I have a thing against hurting cats.

People sometimes tell me that living with Stripes has made me 'Grow into a beautiful young lady too.' but I don't really care. I am a tall skinny blond, with green eyes which some people used to like -back when looks mattered- but no one really cares that much about how you look anymore. Just if you can provide food. This is why some stupid boys have hit on me before since I am a girl that can provide food but I seriously do not need anyone else in my life right now. Although punching them all probably wasn't the best move.

I give Stripes the food and she thanks me and tells me all about how tough her life would be without me. I start feeling a bit cramped in the hot tent as I have a thing against small spaces so I tell her I'm going to go on a walk. I whistle for Cubs and nod towards the jungle, indicating we are going for walkies. Even though she can't understand me she gets excited and starts running off and running back again, urging me to go. I wonder why she is so topsy turvy, she loves walks and hates sleeping. She is basically a dog in a lion's body.

I change into my toughest leather boots, grab my tiny spear/sword thing I created, and set off into the jungle for a nice relaxing walk.

Unfortunately, that is not what I really get.

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