7-That's slightly suspicious...

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Where is she? He wondered climbing over some overgrown roots. Nut hadn't seen his sister in over a day. He was getting worried. Stripes wasn't as worried as him because she knew how strong her baby was but Nut on the other hand knew that Pash wouldn't just leave him alone, without telling him anything.
That's why he had decided to take matters into his own hands, and look for her himself. He knew her favourite place to be: the mountain and had started the long walk there.

Eventually, he got to the large, stone wall that he had climbed up when she had taken him up here. As far as he was aware, he was the only person that Pash had ever taken to her mountain, her favourite place on earth. Not that they had seen much of the earth. Or that there was much to see. Nut had to hurry, he had another history lesson at two and he would get in trouble if he was late.

He carefully clambered over the wall and took in a breath at the beautiful sight in front of him. He started calling Passions name, but no-one answered. She really was gone. What should he do? Nut decided to keep it to himself, he knew that Pash was a strong-willed person and she knew this jungle-like she knew her cat. Just as he was about to climb down the wall, Nut saw something shining in the sun. He walked over to it and when he bent down and picked it up, he realized it was her knife thing, the one she carried everywhere.

At that moment Nut knew she was in trouble and quickly hurried back to tell the tribe.


The breeze blew on my face, refreshing me and calming my anxiety down. I have decided to take a walk to clear my head and It's definitely a good decision. Cubs runs alongside me, trampling the long grass as she tries to catch a butterfly. I need to come up with a plan to somehow stop the end of the world, which when you put it like that, sounds sort of difficult.

I plonk down on the grass and rack my brain to see if I can remember the exact details on what happened at the signing, that would probably help me find a way to stop it. Cubs comes over to sit on my lap and I stroke her as I carry on thinking. Oh, right. The green-Gold has something to do with it. But what..?   Finally, I give up as my brain hurts and I'm getting hungry. I remember the look of worriedness and pure hatred that man had when he looked at me when he came out of that room. Why was he and Charles so desperate to find out who I am. They won't though, because I haven't even technically been born yet.

I grab the nearest tree and use it to haul myself up. I have wandered into a denser part of the forest. This is going to take ages to discover my way out. Just as I take my hand away from the tree I feel a pain run through me and something pierces my skin. I scream and yank my hand away, trying to ignore the horrible feeling of teeth sliding out of my skin, just in time to see two yellow eyes staring at me. A wolf? What the hell is a wolf doing in the middle of London and at midday?!!

It growls at me and slowly saunters into the light. Every step it takes I take one step backwards. Even though I should be scared, I subconsciously roll my eyes at how dramatic it is. I have fought tigers before in the jungle, although, I had a weapon then. I'm empty-handed now.

The wolf gets ready to pounce on me when I hear another set of growling. Just my luck, there is more than one wolf. I don't turn around but I know that I am going to hit it if I carry on retreating. I take one more step back and sure enough, bump into something big and furry. I've already accepted my fate. Death is something that everyone faces at some point in their lives, and if mine is to be eaten by wolves then, so be it. 

But I guess today wasn't my day to go, as the furry thing behind me pounces on the wolf. I stand in utter disbelief as I watch a wolf and a lioness wrestle in front of me, biting each other. My brain stops working for a few seconds but the loud growls bring me back to my senses and I turn and sprint away.

Where did the lion come from, also where did the wolf come from? I didn't think that they had wolves in England. Especially not ones that come out in the daytime. Wait a minute. I stop.
That lioness... that was Cubs. HOW THE HECK DID SHE CHANGE INTO A LION AGAIN??!!  Do I need to go back to her? What if she gets hurt?? I pant in shock and confusion, bending down to try and cram everything in my brain. My hand is still bleeding and I need something to stop the flow. I grab some leaves from a nearby tree and wrap them around the wound.

I try and calm myself down, and once I'm not dying in shock I stand up and put my foot out in front of me. But then I stop because I hear a tiny meow come from behind me. And when I turn around, I see a little ginger and yellow cat licking blood off of its paw innocently. The wolf is nowhere to be seen.


After using my handprint for access, I walk into the house and see everyone frantic. All of the staff members are rushing around, worried, and completely ignoring me and Cubs. I slip past them and climb the stairs to my room. When I get there I rummage around my shelf until I find what I am looking for, a bandage. I wrap it around my wound after cleaning it in the sink. I decided on three things on the walk home. 1- I need to tell Cj I was from the future so he could help me, 2- my cat can just change into a lioness whenever she wants; so that's a bit weird and 3-I need to get to the bottom of this.
Whatever 'this' is.

I still feel a little suspicious of the people here, at first I put it down to everyone from this time is nice and invites strangers to their homes, but after doing research, I realized this isn't very normal. I watch Cubs saunter out of my room and I don't do anything to stop her. I figure she can protect herself. Luckily at that moment, I see Cj walk past my door. I grab his hand and pull him into my room, pushing him down so he sits on my bed.

"Uh, hi?"

He sees my stained red hand and asks me what happened.

"That isn't important" I reply
He takes out a handkerchief from the pocket in his backpack. It's grey and has a picture of a light grey, majestic wolf on it. I shiver when he wipes the blood trail because the wolf reminds me of how I got the bite.

I look down at the handkerchief.
He replies with,

"Oh, it was a present from my dad. It's weird I know but my dad really likes wolves for some reason."
That's wasn't what I was asking but I leave it.
He looks up and smiles at me while I'm deep in thought.

"I need to tell you something," I start pacing back and forth.


"Okay," I take a deep breath,

"I'm from the future and I don't know why I was sent here, there was a big cave with water and then I was here, and there you were but then there was a wolf."
He sucked in a breath when I said the word wolf.

"And there is a really bad thing that happens in two days because of Christopher green and it ends the world."
I throw my arms down and fall on the floor in defeat. I look up into his blue eyes and they stare at me. He looks really uncomfortable and guilty for a second which confuses me. Then his eyes panic and he says,

"Did you just say that the world ends because of Christopher Green?"
I stare at him surprised as it sounds like he believes me.

"You believe me?" I mutter, smiling internally.

"No. I don't believe you."

"Why not?!?" I yell.

"I just met you!! How do you think I'll believe you when say that you're from the fricking future!!"
At this point, we are yelling at each other straight into each other's faces. I study his flushed cheeks and his nose that's slightly bent.

"Well to answer your question, yes the world almost pretty much ends because of Christopher Green!!"

"I don't believe you!" He screams only a couple of inches from my face.

He grabs his backpack, leaving the blood-stained handkerchief on my bed, and starts towards the door.

"Why!" I repeat.

"Because Christopher Green is MY DAD"
And with that he storms out of my room, slamming the door behind him.

Ooohhh, I finally finished planning this story and I'm really happy with it.
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Love you guys

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