2-Creepy Caves

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The jungle is much harder to tame than a back garden so the paths I keep trying to create end up disappearing. Cubs and I end up having to squeeze past trees and through bushes and It feels more like a hard, tiring trek than a walk.
I come across some papaya so I slice off the top and share it with Cubs. We walk past a little sea of Passionflowers that I find hard to look at because they are where my name comes from.


Eventually, our path becomes steeper and I know where we are. I start jogging because I really want to get there. We reach a hole in between some mossy trees that tower above us. I can hear Cubs meowing because she likes it here too. We push past the trees and climb up a small wall of rocks. When I reach the edge I push myself over and help haul my cat up.
We turn around and are met with the most beautiful sight I have ever known.

We are standing on top of a mountain and I can see absolutely everything. The entire jungle is below me making me feel like I am in heaven looking down on the earth. Tiny movements appear sometimes which are animals doing their daily thing. A sea of colours and greens that takes over most of it but if you look closely there are plants with every single colour of the rainbow engulfing you in its beauty.
Yeah, I like it up here.

If you stare further into the distance you can just make out the dilapidated ruins that used to be towns and cities. They are so messy and make me feel so sad, knowing that all these innocent people have had their lives ruined by one signature by Christopher Green. Such an ironic name once you realize what he did.

I bend over and sit down when I suddenly realize that Cubs has disappeared. I hear whining from below me and I jump up to look down. Cubs is below me and I can't see her but I can hear her. "How did you even get down there?" I whisper as I start climbing down. My hands are sweaty and when I go to grab a rock, I slip and start falling.                                                                                          This is it.

I'm gonna die. My life was so short and I could have done so much.

I wonder if they have lions in the afterlife.

I hit the floor with an 'OOF'. I have only fallen about 2 meters and there is nothing wrong with me other than a few bruises. I raise my head and see Cubs bounding over to me, extremely excited. She starts licking my face.
"Eww Cubs."
I stand up and realize that we are in front of an opening on the side of the mountain. Cubs keeps running in and out of the darkness, trying to get me to follow her but I am not curious and I do not need any more stress so I whistle for her to come back to me and start climbing back up.         
I am about halfway up when I realize that Cubs is whining and doing some sad voice thing with her mouth but I can't see her because she has backed up into the darkness of the cave.

I really didn't need this today.

After I climb back down, I slowly start making my way inside the cave. It smells like dirt and my eyes can't see anything in the pitch blackness. I feel something brush across my leg which makes me stay dead still in fear, but a tiny purr reassures me that it is just my lioness. Now that I have found my cat I start backing out but Cubs starts pushing me forward with her head. I have known Cubs for a very long time so I know that she wouldn't be causing this much stress unless there is a reason so I carry on pacing forward. All at once, I can see a blue circle of light at the end. I move forward to see if I can make out what it is. This is what Cubs must have been showing me.

I eventually get to the end and am very surprised with what is facing me.                                                   There is a wall at the end of this tunnel but it looks like the wall is made of water and the water is defying gravity and staying upright. The water ripples in front of me like you would get on a sea, but it is staying upright and covering the entire surface of this wall. Usually, water is reflective but it just looks blue and I can't see myself in it.

Cubs runs up and meows so I will look at her. Then she proceeds to put her paw in the wall. And her paw disappears. I take a few steps back, ready to run away when I feel her push against my legs, urging me to go forward. I stick my hand through and my hand feels cold and warm at the same time. It's like all the laws of the world have been bent. I stand frozen for a minute before I hear footsteps running towards me. I turn around and see Cubs running full speed at me.

I freak out but I don't have any time to move out of the way before she shoves me into the watery portal and jumps in after me. For a moment it feels like nothing else matters, and all time and gravity is lost. But soon I feel like I'm falling and I hit the floor with a thump.

The first thing that I notice is the sound. There are beeps and noises that are unfamiliar to me. I hear another thump behind me and see a little yellow and ginger cat with white paws and blue eyes sitting there. It stands up and looks at me and at that moment I realize that that cat... is Cubs. She is not a lioness anymore, shes just a normal household cat. Freaky. I pick her up and we both study our surroundings trying to figure out where the hell we are.

I see 3 large signs in front of me and thankfully the tribe taught me how to read. I wipe the dirt fully out of my eyes and mouth the words on the signs. The first one says:

"Live in the moment. Live in the 21st century."
That's helpful.
"The second one says: Is your car breaking down? Come to Danny's garage to get it fixed."

Who is Danny?

And the last and biggest one says:


I am in London.


Hello! The first chapter was a little experiment so I didn't write one of these but I am now. I hoped you liked my next part. I really love writing this story and if there is anyone out there that enjoys reading it, then I have done all that I wanted to do. PS: I know that lions don't meow but they do in this story.

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