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I burst into my room, as that's the only place I can go, and slam my door shut, pressing my back to the wall and sliding down it. I sit on the floor scrunched up, trying to calm myself down and wrap my brain around the information I was just given.

The test subject they were talking about, that was me, wasn't it? And that's why they were looking for my history, to... delete it? What did they mean about the test subject escaping? They said something about Cj choosing a feisty one. That's weird. Does that mean that he's working with them? No wonder everyone was so nice to me, they were going to experiment on me!

I still need more information to finish piecing the facts together. Wait a second. They said Cj picked me, the new experiment. That means he wasn't just nice, he was looking for someone. But that still doesn't explain why he left until I had a panic attack.

He's working with them. He didn't want to be nice to me, I was just another guinea pig that they were gonna use.

And he helped me, to test on me...?

I ignore the horrible feelings my heart is making and feel fury rise up inside me. I shouldn't have trusted him, he was bad all along. I yank the handkerchief out of my pocket and walk to the window. It had just finished raining so everything was still a bit wet. I open it the window and I throw the handkerchief outside, watching it slowly turn wet in the puddles on the ground.

I turn back, walking towards the door, my brain screaming in anger. I shouldn't have let myself warm up to him. I knew trusting someone you just met was a mistake. Cubs walks into my room from the bathroom when she hears me growling. Normal humans never used to growl but living in the jungle, so close to animals makes your natural instincts change a bit. I feel Cubs rub her head on my leg. Knowing that my cat is trying to calm me down, I look at her but I can't stand this feeling of not knowing what I need to know, so I rush out of my room to find Cj. He is going to explain everything to me. And he is gonna pay.


Cj's pov:

When I storm out of Passions room in a blind rage I see everyone finally calmed down. I ask Al and he says that they managed to find the wolf test subject that escaped. A little worm inside me feels guilty, knowing what they are going to do to Passion but I can not think about her right now, I need to impress my dad.

"Your father is coming home tomorrow, ok Chris, so be on your best behavior," Al says.

I smile and nod, feeling nervous about my father's return. The big day is approaching fast, and if they don't get the correct DNA into the green-Gold, everything will be ruined. 'That's why it's so important that Passion trusts you'  I remind myself.

I remember the bizarre conversation I had with her. There is absolutely no way that she could be from the future, that's ridiculous. She said that the declaration of Understandment kills the world. I don't believe her. I can't, I won't believe her. I notice that it is already 7 o clock. I push the thoughts of passion to the back of my mind and focus on finding dinner.

After eating dinner, I went to go talk to Al about if there was a way we could experiment on Passion without hurting her. The guilt is eating me up on the inside and I really can not handle it. I find him, standing in the middle of a corridor, having a conversation with Elmeir, the large, mean, bald, bodyguard that mainly protects the house. Their faces are anxious and when I walk up to Al, Elmeir walks away.

"What happened?" I ask

"Someone broke into the basement, they think it was that new thing, the next new experiment you brought home."

My fists clench and unclench at the fact he called her a thing.

He carries on,

"They are going to take it tonight at 11, once it is asleep. We can't afford its escape as we don't have time to find another one. We kept a secret camera on it when it went on a walk and it seemed to have encountered the missing subject 158. That's how we found the missing experiment."

Is that why her hand was bleeding, did it bite her? They keep cameras on her. I didn't know that.

"Oh, ok then."

I walk away confused and unnerved. When I walk past her room I stop, the worm inside me starts screaming at me, telling me how bad of a person I am. I agree with it. Just as I start walking away again, I feel a rough hand grab my shirt and haul me into the room. Whoever this is, they are freakishly strong. They shove me into their bathroom, throw me on the floor, and lock the door while they are in here with me.

After coughing I look up just in time to see Passion shove an arm on my throat and push me against the cold wall. Her green eyes are full of fury and as I struggle to breathe properly, I suddenly hear something that makes me confused. She starts growling at me.
"You are going to explain everything to me." She growls, her voice venom dripping from her voice.
She discovered the project Green-Wolf.

Passions pov:

As embarrassing as it is, I can't help growling at Cj. I am furious and I need him to explain what's happening in this house. I need to escape and stop it. I was the one given this chance to go to the past which means I have to be the one to stop it. But I can't stop it if I don't know what's happening.
My arm is suffocating him which isn't handy if I need him to speak to me so I reluctantly let him drop back on the bathroom floor, gasping for breath.
He looks up at me, terrified.
"Tell me everything you know about what is going on in this horrid house," I repeat.
He accepts the fact that I'm not letting him go and crosses his legs, looking down at the floor.
I stand with my hands on my hips, towering above him.
"My father... my father wants to take over the USA. He needs-, wants Russia because it can help him. But to do that, he needs to control Russia."
Cj's voice cracks as he carries on,
"He wants Dimitri Aleeno to show off the Green-Gold at the signing, you know, for publicity but they, I mean, we, have been changing the Green-Gold to make it Project Green-Wolf."
That's the name I heard earlier in the basement. This is informative but there isn't any actual explanation happening.

"Get to the point." I spit roughly,

"The building this is hosted at will be full of rich and influential politicians, all of them. The workers, uh, put wolf DNA into it, so that when he pushes a button on the Green Gold, it will spray it into the air and everyone in the building who hasn't had the injection, will evolve into savages. He decided if they were to busy eating each other he could swoop in and take Russia.
Cj looks up at me, tears forming in his eyes when he realizes just what he was a part of.

"They want to test the Green-Wolf on me," I say,
"That's why everyone welcomed me here so easily. And, you were the person that found me. Brought me here." I turn away in disgust.

"I should never have trusted you," I mutter.

Cj tries to apologize and explain it to me but I cut him off.

"Stop. I will never forgive you. Just help me get out of here, I've got to stop them." He solemnly nods his head, looking down at the ground in defeat.


Hullo! It's me again. Thank you soo much for 200+ reads :) I love this story. I changed the cover of my book and I don't know if I'm going to keep it. Thank you for reading this far!

Please vote and comment if you liked it.

Love you guys,


ps: I know this is a day early but I couldn't wait,

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