5-That's YOUR house?!

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We walk down a long road full of council houses. I can see a huge lake in the distance surrounded by a thick forest of trees and I know that I could have stayed in there until I figure out a way to go back home. But then I would have never figured out why I'm here. We climb over a large hill and get to a row of huge beautiful houses, Cj must live here. I can see a huge house in the distance that has to be some kind of luxury hotel and it looks incredibly expensive. To my surprise, we don't stop and carry on walking past the nice houses and towards the giant hotel. I turn to Cj and give him a questioning look. He smiles at me when he figures out what I'm trying to ask and says,

"That's my house."

I stare at him. There is no way that could be his house. That's too big for even 50 families to live in. I just met this person and now I'm living in his giant mansion. This feels weird but I should go along with it. Otherwise, I will never figure out what I'm meant to do here.

As we approach I can examine this mansion better. There is a big, pearly white gate at the entrance that leads to a long path with different cars lined up along it. The majority of the building is a beautiful cream-colored stone with some very large windows allowing lots of natural light to fill up the inside by day. It's very evenly designed, with windows lining the middle, top, and bottom of the building in a neat way. We approach the gate and I hear a voice appear out of nowhere. I calm myself down quickly, reminding myself that I have to pretend I am familiar with this technology and try to find the source. A small, shiny, metal box on the side of the gate seems to be the source of the sound and I puzzle as I hear the conversation it's having with Cj.

"Please place your hand on the box to enter, we need an identification handprint."

Cj puts his hand on a screen that slides out one of the walls on the side. After a few seconds of a buzzing noise, the box speaks again but its tone completely changes.

"Sir, Christopher junior, welcome. Can you identify the female behind you?" Cj turns to me quickly as if he forgot I was there,

'Yes Charles, this is passion"
Its name is Charles?

"She will be staying here for a short period of time. I need you to take her identification."

Cj steps over to me and gently grabs my hand, he places it on the scanny box and I feel the warmth as It scans me. Then the Charles box says,

"Scan confirmed, you may enter. We hope you enjoy your stay here ma'am."

I listen to a creak as the gates start retracting into the walls. Cj and I walk through where the gates were. I make a mental note to ask him how he has this house. He tells me to keep walking and that he would catch up. I do what he says and carry on strolling towards the mansion. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him talking to the box named Charles. Eventually, he catches up with me again and leads me to the entrance of the building. After giving our handprints again, a huge door opens and Cj excitedly drags me inside, seeming to not care about how uncomfortable physical touch makes me.

When we enter I can only stand in shock. The huge hallway leads to a giant room full of plush grey sofas, there is a magnificent desk on the left corner of the room, and on the right a huge screen that takes up the entire wall. The walls are mostly glass allowing you to see the view of the lake and forest and the floor is a soft padded carpet.

Cj gives me the tour of the house, showing me different rooms that completely blow my mind. There is the kitchen where I meet a very nice, bubbly chef lady who said she would bake a homemade waffle for me, a large master bedroom with an immense 4 poster bed inside; where we met the 'maid' a lovely young lady that was folding sheets, a 'gaming room' with lots of screens and what Cj calls controllers and finally the garden; a big green space with many magnificent flowers and right in the centre is an impressively large pool with baby blue water.

"This place is incredible!" I say, impressed.

"Thank you," answers Cj turning to me and grinning like a child,
"it's nice to show it off, I hardly ever have people around."
His blue eyes light up as he says
"And you haven't even seen our rooms yet!"

After Cj shows me his room, with its large bed, tv, mini-fridge, and desk-shelves, then he takes me to mine.

I walk in and my eyes fill with awe. It's a large space with white walls and a smooth wooden floor. The entire front wall is clear glass that allows heaps of light to come in, illuminating up the entire space and giving it a warm feeling. On one wall there is a huge shelf with many different items on it like shower gel and hair products, towels, beauty products, ornaments and pens, and books.

On the back wall, there is a large king-sized bed with pink fading into blue sheets and fluffy pillows that anyone could fall asleep on.
Cj runs over and lies down on the bed pointing upwards and that's when I notice there is a large tv screen on the ceiling that CJ makes move with a remote that he finds under one of the pillows.
Finally, on the last wall, there is a door that I open and walkthrough. Inside is a big bathroom with purple lights and a huge, enclosed shower square. I almost fall down a large hole in the floor that Cj goes on to explain is the bathtub.

I sit down on the bed, trying to take in this whole sight. I get to stay in this amazing building, in this amazing room. I grin so widely it hurts my face.

"So you like it?" He asks.

I don't answer and just carry on grinning into his kind eyes. I see them slightly falter at all my happiness but he keeps trying to smile. Suddenly he seems to remember something and says,

"you don't have any other clothes do you?"

"No," I reply " But I can just wash mine and wear them again tomorrow."

Cj furiously shakes his head and tells me that he will send the maid lady in soon, and she will have some nice clothes for me to wear. I thank him a million times, knowing that I will never be able to repay this great deed. He tells me to not worry and leaves, saying that I should relax a bit.

I lie on the bed wondering why someone would just let a stranger into their house but my brain is too fuzzy with happy thoughts to properly ponder on it. I hear a knock at the door and when i open it, I see the maid lady with a plate and a steaming hot waffle drenched in maple syrup on top of it. She hands it to me and I thank her as she hurriedly rushes away.

I sit on my new (temporary) bed and eat the waffle, staring through the window at the lake in the distance.

Yep, this is the life.

Yay, this chapter was fun to write. It's mainly just her describing what the mansion looks like but it was actually me describing what my dream room would be like. Since it's half term, there is a chance I might post more than usual so look out for that.
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