11-Oh, is he dead?

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"Ow!" I yelp, examining my finger to find where I cut it. There is a large gash wound on the side of my ring finger so I sigh and wrap it up with a large leaf. Carefully, I balance the logs of wood I just found on my arms and start heading back to our camp, the logs wobbling precariously in my grip. 

After waking up with Cubs lying next to me, I sent Cj to get food supplies and I went to get wood for camp. After he returns he is meant to come to help me. He is taking a suspiciously long time though. I hope he doesn't betray me again.

I climb through the thick green and brown maze, relying on my instincts to get me back to camp. When I do get back though, I am faced with a very unusual sight.

Chris is backed up against a large, oak tree, his face pure white and he looks absolutely petrified. To my surprise, he is being circled by a slightly smiling lioness. Cubs. I roll my eyes and quickly pick up the pace knowing that if I don't, he is probably going to faint in fear.

When he sees me, his eyes widen in relief and he starts whisper yelling,

"Pash! There is a very large cat in front of me if you haven't noticed. I suggest you get away quickly!"

My eyebrows furrow at why he is being so formal. Maybe it's because he thinks he's going to die? I throw the logs on the floor, not caring about the noise I make, and fast-walk over to Cubs. Cj's eyes widen in terror and he squeals.             

"She's going to kill you!!"

I just allow myself a small smile and very calmy, walk over to my cat. Then to Cj's utter surprise, I sit on top of her. Like I'm horse riding. The look on his face is priceless and I take a mental picture and insert it into the 'keep forever' folder in my brain. I bend over and stroke her face and whisper just loudly enough for him to hear me,

"Come on Cubs, we don't want to kill him just yet. He is gonna help us."

The lion stares at me and contemplates what I'm saying. She looks back at Cj with a menacing expression. Chris just stands there with a look so confused and overwhelmed that it makes me burst into laughter.

"HA, -your, -face, -is, -priceless!" I wheeze, gasping for breath between words.

A look dawns on his face as he studies my laughing.

"Did you call that thing Cubs?"

I lean forward and wrap my arms around my cat's neck, then I let my head rest on top of hers and just relax, watching Cj's eyes panic through thousands of emotions.

I watch with amusement as his body starts falling. Very slowly at first, until he flops on the floor and faints. I roll my eyes and get off of the lioness before walking over to check he's not dead. His chest is still moving up and down so I do the only normal thing I can think of. I leave him and walk towards the lake. After scooping some water into my hands, I wander back to camp and splash it on Chris's face.

His eyes flutter open and he starts violently coughing and spluttering too close to me for comfort. After relaxing a bit, he stares at me before weakly asking,

"I saw a lioness."

I pretend to be extremely confused and make a quizzical face.

"Uh, there wasn't a lion..?"

He frowns and sits up properly.

"There was a lion."

"You must have been dreaming."

He looks around and his eyes light up. He bounces up and points, screaming,

"THERE, It's a lion.."

He trails off as he notices what he's pointing at. Cubs is sitting on the floor in cat form, wiping her nose and looking very cute. His forehead crinkles in confusion and he plops back down on the floor again, while I try with all my might not to burst out laughing. He scratches his head in a comical way and I tell him to just relax and that he's probably dehydrated.

I leave to start setting up a little campfire so that we can have somewhere to keep warm when I remember that we have no food. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning's breakfast and I feel ravenous. I rush back to where Chris is to see if he managed to get any food when I sent him out, only to find him nowhere to be seen.

I sigh and return to my half-finished campfire and just decide to wait for him to come back. We have to come up with a plan of action because the signing is tomorrow. Just that thought makes me slouch a little bit because we have no adults, no communication with anyone, and nowhere to go.

Once I finished the fire and set it alight, I hear footsteps coming from behind me. I quickly turn around, to see Cj walking towards me with 4 huge bags of shopping. I rush to him and take the bags happily, looking inside them. They are full of food and supplies that are really useful. I turn back to Cj, cocking my head slightly in an unspoken question.

"I took my wallet when I left the house," Seeing my face, he carries on with,

'What? Im the son of a billionaire, of course, I have money!"

I smile at him, thankful that we have something to eat.

A few minutes later, we are sitting in silence eating some cold waffles and staring at the beautiful fire in front of us. Even though it's nowhere near the end of the day- thankfully -it is pretty cold, hence why we have a fire going.

I glance at Cj only to find him staring intently at me. I stick my tongue out and he grins a bit and carries on eating his waffle. Even though I like this moment, we have to start planning what we are going to do now. How we are going to stop Chris's dad and how we are going to stop the signing. But for the time being, we can just wait and be happy.



I have a little (actually very big) surprise that will be coming your way. Actually, it won't be a surprise for much longer, but

I am writing a FANFIC!

A spiderman one to be exact.

Listen ok, I have read many, many peter parker fanfics and they are all well and good and dandy BUT, I want to write one about the comic version of spiderman. Anyone who knows me knows that I love Spider-man more than I love, well, a lot of things, so I want to write one about like, peter parker, you know. Like, his best friend will be Harry Osborn and Nick Fury will be a main character.

Anyway, sorry for the short filler chapter, I have a lot going on and I'm starting school again *groan* and that's gonna be really fun. Not.

Anyway, love you guys

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