13- Look Like A Human

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"Right so where does he live?" I question Cj, going over the bits of the plan so that I know exactly how everything is going to work.

"He is staying in the London Hotel until the signing, this means that we don't have long, as it is..." He pulls out his phone from his pocket, "Almost 3 o'clock. Ok then."

I return the empowered nod he gives me with a smile, and follow him to a high street again. He manages to flag down another car but before we get in, his eyes widen and I look in the direction that he is starting at. It is a large billboard with his and my face on it. Underneath are the words, Missing- Reward for finding, alive, £10,000.

Chris' expression immediately changes and he pushes me into the car before proceeding to ask the lady to take us to, Moseuir Bouti's Boutique'. I gaze at him, wearing my angry and confused expression obviously so that he knows my emotions but he merely shrugs and I slam back in my chair, annoyed.


"Umm, so why do I have to do this?" I whine, squirming around in the chair that Cj has strapped me in.

"Because, if any of my father's staff see you, they might, I don't know, take you again. We need to hurry though."

He sits down in the chair next to me, giving me a smile of comfort just before a flamboyantly dressed man rushes in, carrying a bag in one hand and sharp, shiny scissors in the other.

"Hullo darlings, I am going to give you a beautiful makeover, so just relax and close your eyes."

He presses something down on my eyes, completely blinding me, and pushes down on my shoulders so I can't take it off.
Chris tries to tell the man what we want but he merely shrugs him off and blindfolds Cj too.

The next 2 hours are terrifying and boring at the same time. I sit in the chair for most of it but twice the man helps me up and leads me to another area where he washes my hair. The entire time I am blindfolded but whenever I can, I try to get a good peek from under the blindfold but to no avail.

Every time he stops working on me because something needs to dry or he is just getting bored, he switches over to Cj's chair and works on him. Occasionally he will ask me questions about my life and I just have to improvise. According to his knowledge, I am the daughter of Naomi Liveil, high empress of a small country to the west side of Spain. I had to escape and move to England when I was very young because the bandits wanted to hold me for a ransom.

Cj explains that we need this makeover so people do not recognise us and I understand where he is coming from, but I just really want to carry on with the plan. I use the time we waste to think about my situation.

I still don't know if I can trust Cj fully and I really miss Nut. I hope Cubs is ok and I really want her to be here, snuggled in my arms, but it's too risky so we are leaving her in the woods. I reach forward and grab a magazine that is precariously balanced on the table in front of me and gaze at all the beautiful models that fill up the pages.

The whole thing takes about two hours, which means that it's almost five o'clock by the time Mouseir Bouti reappears.

"You look, wonderful darling! Just wait until that boyfriend of yours sees you."

I decide not to correct him as he won't even listen to me. Mouseir washes my hair for the last time and hands me some clothes.


"OH, darling! Ellie! Come help this little lady get dressed." He yells.

"I d-I don't need help getting dressed-" I stammer but it's too late as the strange man has already shoved me into a cubicle along with another girl that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

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