8-I really shouldn't be down here, but I am.

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I let out a gasp of frustration, slamming my body down on my bed and lying there, not moving. Cj is so frustrating, why can't he just believe me? I know it's a lot to ask but he seemed so trusting. Although now I'm partly suspicious of him because he is Christopher Green's son. I don't know what to think anymore.

I hear a meow enter through the door and I feel the weight of Cubs climb over me and lie next to me on my spongy bed. I stroke her and whisper,

"What should I do now Cubs? Nothing is adding up."

I listen to her gentle purr while I stroke her back before she suddenly jumps up, arching her back and nudging me, making me sit up. Her stance reminds me of when she got the idea to shove me through the time portal.

She gracefully leaps off my bed, struts across the wooden floor, and stops, sitting in front of my door. I get off my bed and walk towards her. She nudges the door with her head and when I look outside I see the bald man that was trying to figure out my identity earlier today, walking towards my room. I quickly shut my door and glare at Cubs with my teeth clenched but she keeps silently telling me to follow him. As much as I don't want to, I always trust that my cat's judgment is better than mine.

Just before I leave to follow him, I grab the handkerchief Cj left on my bed and shove it in my pocket. It gives me a warm feeling that makes me feel just a smidge safer. My cat hisses at me and I shake my head, breaking out of this Cj trance and reminding myself that emotions just get in the way. I swiftly slip out of my room and start following the man.

It is a nerve-racking thing to do, he takes lots of corners and turns around often to check if someones following him. Luckily, I always stay behind furniture or next to open doors that I can hide behind. It's a miracle he doesn't notice me.

After lots of twists and turns, we get to a dead end. Does he know that I'm following him? Is this all a setup? My brain spirals again but he looks around one last time and then pushes four bricks on the wall. They glow red and to my surprise, the wall gives a heavy groan and slides along into itself, showing a large, long downwards staircase with black and red lights surrounding it.

He walks in and the door slowly starts closing. It's now or never. I run in after him and slip in just before the door closes with a satisfying clunk. The staircase is dark and gloomy and every step I take makes a squeak. I carefully remove my trainers, leaving them in a corner in the dark, and start descending down the stairs.

I am faced with a large busy room. People in uniforms are bustling about everywhere, shouting instructions at other people. Some are carrying needles and others paperwork. The walls look like they are made out of metal and the room gives off a creepy feeling. There are large tubes pumping wires full of blueish liquid and large plastic containers everywhere. I notice that the tubes are running to a large see-through container that seems to glow but I can't get a very good look at it. I see the bald man walking towards a corner at the end of the room and I know I have to try and follow him or I will never figure out what's going on in this strange place.

When I am positive no-one is looking in my direction, I sprint behind a big, yellow rectangle and peek my head out to see the bald man walk around a corner and into a doorway that has drapes in front of it, instead of a door. I sneak round the corner after watching him go inside. I press my back against the cold, metal wall and slide down to peek through the drapes. He is talking to a man wearing a doctor's suit and holding a large screen that starts hovering beside him as he walks towards the bald man. I listen to their conversation,

"We need the test subject tonight!" Says the doctor man

"You let one of them escape." Replies the bald mine, his voice calm but his face furious.

"It's not my fault! Cj picked one that was very feisty."

"Don't blame it on Chris!"

"At least that new one he brought in we can use. He's been very helpful to us. Look, if you bring the girl in tonight we can inject her. It should be a success."

The doctor man starts pressing something on the screen as the other man replies to him,

"It better be, we cant have another failure. It needs to be ready for Christopher G. He's coming home tomorrow!."

"Did you wipe her history?"

"Well, there are no records of her DNA anywhere on earth."

"That's not possible..?" He looks up from his tablet and flashes his eyes in the direction of bald man for a second before looking back at the floating screen.

"It doesn't matter just don't let another test subject escape, "The bald man says, "When we found it in the forest outside we had to shoot it."

"You killed it?"

"We had no choice but when we got there it had blood and bites all over it. Like something attacked it."

"What could attack it in the middle of London. It's daytime as well?!

I feel an arm on my shoulder.

"Are you meant to be here?"

A large muscly man is looking at me suspiciously. His eyes are squinted, looking me up and down. My jungle instincts kick in and I press the side of his neck hard and sharp. His eyes flutter upwards and he slumps down on the floor, unconscious.

I take that as my signal to leave and jump over the man's body. I sprint for the exit but just as I'm about to run up the stairs I see something on a table beside me. I grab it and bolt upwards quickly, knowing someones going to notice the unconscious man soon. But I have forgotten a little piece of information. The doors closed.

I desperately try and remember the sequence that the bald man did on the wall outside. I cautiously press the bricks, hoping I'm right. The bricks I press light-up red. The door opens. I sprint outside. Just as the door closes, I hear a woman scream.

I run.


Yo, yo, yo! Wassup mah peeps. I am very excited for the next chapter because I am going to be entertained writing it *insert evil laugh here*. I hope you liked this chapter. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed it.

Love you guys,

Aila :)

A Passion FlowerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora