
17 2 0

'Knock Knock'

I force my tired eyes to open and sit up in my soft bed. I do a quick check of where I am, remembering that I am in Cj's house.  The sun pouring in from the window opposite me quickly makes me squint my eyes again and I hear the knock come from the door a second time. Too tired to get out of bed - I guess time traveling to the past, going to a country on the other side of the world, and staying in somebody I only just mets' house, kinda takes a toll on you- I just call "Come in!" and wait for the person to enter.

The maid that I met yesterday walks into my room carrying 2 things. In one arm, is a notebook and a pen slotted into the metal rings, and in the other, a cat.

"Cubs!!" I screamed as the gingery-yellow cat (that used to be a lioness) jumps out of the lady's arms and into mine. I look at the maid confused. Where did Cubs disappear to?  She whips out the notebook and holds it in front of her, preparing to read.

"Sir Christopher has requested I tell you some things: Firstly, we found a cat that kept trying to get in this house and was about to exterminate it when he told us that the cat was yours." She stops and her gaze shifts from the pad to me as she looks me up and down. "I suppose he was right."

She carries on, "I have left some clothes for you in your wardrobe in the bathroom and I hope that they fit all of your needs. Since you didn't eat dinner last night, you must be ravenous so if you could please tell me your breakfast order I will send it to the chef. She has taken a particular shine to you." I smile, happy that the chef likes me but then it morphs into a frown as I realize that I have no idea about breakfast from this time. The maid notices my confusion and says,

"Ahh, yes, Sir Chris did mention you were a foreigner. America? Correct?" I nod. " A full English breakfast for you then. Do you need anything else?"

"Yes actually, two things." I add, "First, do you have any fish for Cubs." I look down at her and she purrs when I rub in between her ears.

"Yes, I'm sure we have some."

"And lastly, I'm sorry, but is there a place I can find out information?"

The maid analyses me before answering,

"There is a computer room next to the games room if you want to go there?"

I thank her.

"Right well, breakfast will be served in the dining hall in half an hour, your clothes are in the wardrobe in your bathroom and the computer room down the hall on to your left." She leaves and I get up and walk to the bathroom.
Hang on a minute, did she say they were going to exterminate Cubs!

"Where did you go Cubs?" She just meows in reply. I leave her licking herself on my bed while I try to figure out where this wardrobe is. Wait, what is a wardrobe?


After washing myself and I manage to find the wardrobe- which is a closet -by pushing a lot of digital buttons. One of them opens a wall which reveals loads of clothes that I have never even seen before. I go through some of them, scoffing when I get to the jeans, I'm never wearing those again, I finally find somethings that I like. I leave my room twenty minutes later wearing some black clothes on my legs, that I find out are called leggings, and a long shirt that has a picture of a muscly guy in a blue and red suit and the word 'Language!' at the top. I don't understand it but I liked it so I'm wearing it. And some comfy shoes that are very bouncy.

When I finally find the dining hall, my food is already set out on the table for me.
I stop for a few seconds taking in the enormousness of this dining room. A large long table is sitting in the middle with many plates and metal things on top of it. Some man I have never seen before comes and leads me to sit down. They give me a plate with loads of colorful foods and delicious-looking things. I don't hesitate to tuck in. On the opposite end of the table, Cubs is enjoying her salmon and cod and I see some of the staff smile at her cuteness.

The computer room is dark and full of bright screens that hum. I left Cubs in my room but she's probably gone somewhere. I discover google and decide to do some research on Christopher Green I come across loads of websites about him and I pick one.

Christopher Green

Aid Cross

The creating of Green-Gold

Personal Information


The Declaration of Understandment

I press the one that says Christopher Green

Christopher Green is an English billionaire that took our world by storm with his incredible inventions. He created one of the biggest energy ideas, The Green-Gold. A contraption that allows us to extract and harness oil and fossil fuels almost six times faster than anything ever created before. He is also known for his huge charity: Aid Cross. A large worldwide community dedicated to helping the children of today to become the adults of tomorrow.

After reading some more about him, I notice the tab that says The Declaration of Understandment.

On the 22cnd of May 2031, Christopher green will be signing The Declaration of Understandment along with Jacob Drinkwater and Dimitri Aleeno. An official agreement with the USA and Russia to share fossil fuels, oil, and any material they deem useful. The signing will happen at 12:00, midday.

Wow, I have to find a way to stop this. Jacob Drinkwater gets mad about something and declares war on Russia. They called it the endgame war because it pretty much ended the earth. It became worse than any of the world wars. 4.7 billion people died before of the invention of The Green Gold.

I decide to first see what I can learn about the time I'm in, 2031, I need to learn how people act so they won't be as suspicious of me.

I walk out of that room, a pro at life at this time. I learned as much as I can and I probably know everything. Well, not everything. But I even know what my t-shirt means.

I walk past a slightly open door when I hear someone say my name. I slowly stop and listen.


"Im sorry sir, but I have checked the records from everywhere and her data and handprint matches no-one"

I recognize that voice, it's that Charles guy from inside the box at the gate entrance.

"Charles you know every person on this earth, rich, or, poor, official or not, there is no-one that you don't have files on. ONE LITTLE GIRL THAT CHRIS BOUGHT HOME SHOULDNT BE A PROBLEM"

"Im sorry sir but there is truly nothing anywhere on her."

I hear someone get up and start walking to the door of the room in a huff. I quickly run off and when I hear the creak of the door open I slow down so it looks like I'm just walking normally. I turn and glance over my shoulder to see a large, bald man stare at me. His face was red and his eyes darkened when he saw me turn a corner. I heard him curse and storm off.


Oooooooooooooo, suspense. Im really sorry this chapter was late, I was very busy yesterday. THANKS FOR 100 READS! yay. I hope you enjoyed it. I should hopefully be able to post again on Tuesday like normal. Please vote and comment if you liked it.

Love you guys,


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