3-"What are these?"

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I have time-travelled to the past. The 21st century was more than a century ago. And I'm in London!!
We learned about this place in one of the tribe's rare history classes. I think it's in a small country called... England? I look down at myself because I realize that what I'm wearing feels strange. I put down Cubs/weird-strange-looking-cat and see that instead of my normal well-fitted fur and giant jungle leaves outfit, I have a thin, white material all over my top half and some kind of restricted blue things on my legs that feel like wearing wood. I can also feel a tight circular thing around my ribcage that makes me feel very uncomfortable. I start pacing back and forth in pure shock. The cat that is now Cubs drops down from my hands starts walking next to me and I can see that she is trying to calm me down but It is definitely not working.

"Umm, are you ok?"

I jump as a voice appears. I turn around to see a male about the same age as me standing behind me. He has blue eyes and messy brown hair. He is wearing the same blue things on his legs that I am but instead of white thin material on his upper body, he has a thicker black material with a blue and red spider on it and a circle attached to the back.

"Excuse me," I say as confidently as I can. "What are these?" And I point to the blue things on my legs.

The boy looks at me worried as I have just asked the strangest question in the world.

"You mean, Jeans?" He says and then points to his own 'Jeans'

"Yes, they are very uncomfortable."

"Well then don't wear them next time." He replies.

"Ok, and what is this?"
I pull out the strange strap circling my rib cage and stare at him.
His face flushes a deep red and he stares at me in shock.
"I suppose you don't know then. Goodbye"
I pick up Cubs, and walk away. I need to find a way to get back, otherwise, I will be stuck here forever. My brain starts spiralling and thinking about all the possibilities of what if I couldn't get back, and what if I starve and die in a strange London town from the past. I look down from the hill I'm on and realize that there are a lot of large shiny things that make beeping sounds. Those must be cars. An aeroplane flies ahead and that is the only thing that I have seen before in my life.

In the jungle, we were cut off from civilization so most of the people in my tribe haven't even seen the things that people from this time would see every day.
The one thing I have seen is an aeroplane because nowadays or, I guess in the future days, you could only really survive in 'the actual world outside of the jungle' if you were very, very rich. And said rich people have to fly around in private jets because otherwise the poor people down below struggling to survive the extreme heat and cold will mug them and take all the rich people's money.

If I never get back home what will happen to Nut, he is the only one I really care about other than Stripes. What if I actually get stuck here forever.

I start doing something that I have only done once before. I have a panic attack. I start trying to control myself. I start sweating and I can feel my heartbeat speed up and my lungs get tighter. As I try (and fail) to calm myself down I see a blurry person run towards me and pull out a small bag from his pocket. He dumps the contents out and puts the bag over my mouth. I can faintly hear him tell me to breathe so I try and breathe as much as I can. Eventually, he manages to calm me down, and I kind of fall into his arms which I hate because it makes me feel vulnerable and I don't need anyone else to help me but I just don't have the strength to stand up.

Soon I am able to stand up on my own and spider hoodie man looks at me, very concerned.

"Thank you," I manage to squeeze out of my mouth. Now that I have gained my feelings back I realize I am very hungry so I ask him where the closest hunting grounds are.

I hear the guy whisper to himself 'why haven't I run away?' But then he looks at me and his eyes fill with pity so he says,

"I don't know where you are from, you must be a foreigner but I will take you to a cafe to get food. Do you have any money?"

"No, I do not have any money. Sorry for bothering you, I will be on my way."

I try to regain my composure and walk away but he puts a hand on my shoulder and says,

"I will buy you some food, My treat." He gives me a nice smile and I weigh my options.

On one hand, I could not go with him and wander around a strange town from the past where I would probably starve to death, OR I could let this nice strange boy buy me food and hopefully make an acquaintance that can help me to get home.

I take the latter and let him lead me to a small shop on the corner called Waffle City.


"So where are you from?" He asks me.
I know that I cant say, oh, I'm from the future, but I don't want to lie to him so I tell him one truth.

"I'm from America."

"I see," He replies, "What were you doing in the middle of Greenwich park then?"

I decide to switch the blame on him because I know that this is the time of day that people from this time would be at school so I say, "Well, shouldn't you be at school?"

He looks a bit guilty and then to my utter disbelief, spills out his entire life story,

"I was kinda, sorta skiving off. I go to st Juliettes which used to be an all-girls school but It's not anymore and I know that going to school doesn't really matter because I am an only child and my dad owns a really big company that I will 100% per cent inherit someday but I don't want to inherit it because it's not doing very nice things for the world. I am one of those 'Save the turtles and recycle' kind of guys and, you know, I really don't want to be the leader of a company that only causes bad things for the world, and it's just not fair so yeah. OH, and my name is CJ stands for Christopher Junoir, so yup. What's your name?"


I look up at him and notice his eyes have gone red and I start panicking. I don't like emotions, they are not needed and it always makes me uncomfortable when someone starts crying. I internally wonder if I should tell him my name or not.

We sit in silence for a few seconds but luckily a smiling lady comes over and in a very British accent she says, "Here is a cuppa for you sir, and a jumbo waffle for the nice lady."

CJ rolls with this and thanks her before asking me if I have ever had a waffle before because I'm looking at it weird. I have not had a waffle before so I pick it up with my fingers. His stare stops me and he nudges his head to the shiny metal pieces the lady put down next to me. I put the waffle down and pick them up, then in the most polite way I can, I grip them tightly in my hands and stab the waffle using the one with lots of little points. I manage to pick up the whole waffle dripping shiny yellow stuff everywhere and have a bite of it as he just laughs from across the table. I was not prepared for the deliciousness the power of the waffle put upon me.

The power of the waffle.
My hamster's name waz Waffles (RIP) you can probably guess how much I like them. I know I usually post on Tuesdays and Saturdays but... I couldn't wait any longer. Anyway, thanks for reading, and yay.

Pls vote and comment If you liked it.

Luv u guys,


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