12- Just Walk

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(Just so you know, because I don't know if people actually realize this when I say Chris, I mean the person Cj -because his name is Christopher Junoir- I had to explain that to one of my friends so just letting you know, even though you probably already guessed it.)

We walk out of the photocopier shop, clenching our pictures tightly in our grasps. The streets of London are loud and smelly, filling up my lungs in an unpleasant manner.

"Follow me, we need to get a cab."

I feel a warm hand engulf mine as Cj drags me along the path, smiling at certain individuals and glaring at others.

"You know a lot of people," I say, still studying my surroundings intently. He grins and rolls his eyes,

"Yeah, but it's really all for my father and his publicity. I don't really have any actual friends though."

We stop at a particular street that's full of people bustling about and I cock my head in confusion.

"You must have friends. Loads of people would want to be your friend."

He sighs as he holds out a tired hand.

"That's just it. Everyone wants to be my friend. I never know who actually likes me. I guess It's quite lonely being me."

I don't reply and just ponder this new information until a black car starts silently pulling up to Cj's outstretched hand. The boy ushers me inside it, and I wearily get in, studying the driver steadily. He is a scruffy man, with a stubble growing and ruffled clothes. There is a faint smell of smoke in the car that suggests he has been smoking, but it disappears when Chris opens the window.

"Orange Road, Liverpool. Please be quick."

The man grunts in reply and I suddenly feel an odd feeling of being lurched forward. I grab onto Cj's arm and fall backward in my seat. Cj checks to make sure that the man isn't listening and then turns to me, saying he needs to ask me something.

"Are you really from the future? Is this all real or are you just some crazy phsyco weirdo I am leading around?"

I stare at him in the eyes as I reply so that he knows im not lying.

"Listen, My name is Passion. I do not have a surname. I have an adopted brother called Nut who I love very much. I have an adopted mother called Stripes who is the cook for our tribe. I have no real parents. I have no real birthday. I was found in the middle of the jungle, covered up by a leaf and snuggled into a baby lioness with a passionflower in my hair. I time-traveled here through a weird cave. I am from the year 2156 living in a jungle because everywhere else has basically died."

I stop talking so he can soak in all the information I just gave him.

"Woah..., and that's, all true?"

I nod.

"Ok then, how did the end of the world happen?"

I take a deep breath,

"On May 19th, 2031, the US prime minister, the Russian President, and Christopher Green all sign the declaration of Understandment. I don't know much about what happened, but I do know that the Russian President suddenly went crazy, well, everyone except Green went crazy, and it's because of something Christopher Green did. The Russians waged war on Europe in revenge and joined forces with the US. They called this the Endgame war. There were nuclear missiles and terrible weapons used all around. By the end of it, only 3.3 billion people were left on earth. Some places became ruled by power-hungry people and those people live in misery. My tribe managed to find their way into the jungle and live life there."

I pause for a breath,

"One day a lady called Stripes found a little baby when she was going out to pick some herbs. The girl was wrapped in a big jungle leaf, and she was lying next to a baby lioness. The baby had a passionflower gently tucked into her hair and well, that where my name comes from."

I cough slightly, my voice hoarse, and wait for Chris to reply.

"Wow. That is awful. I'm so sorry." He remarks.

I shrug my shoulders and fall back into the clasp of the dingy seat.

"It's my life."

We sit in silence for the rest of the trip, listening the noises of London traveling through our window. I hope that Cubs is doing ok since we left her in the woods alone, but then I remember that she's a lion and come to the conclusion that... she'll be fine.

Eventually, the taxi driver stops in an ominous feeling neighborhood and asks for money while I shudder at his chilling voice.
Cj hands him a large wad of paper notes and we leap out of the car without even a thank you.

"So, is this where Ash lives?" I said, looking down the dilapidated street.


We walk deeper towards the end of the road, making sure we keep our eyes peeled. When we get to the end of the street, we are faced with a small cottage that seems to be leaning to its side and breaking down.

Chris walks up to the front door and holds his fist out to knock. He seems to stop, and muster up the courage before finally making three large knocks with his hand.
The door creaks open straight away, and a boy opens it. He seems about 14, with sunken eyes, and a worried expression that contrasts to his t-shirt with a large smiley face on it.

"What do you want daddy's boy?" He spits rudely, only opening the door a crack.

I step forward and give him the prettiest smile I can manage.

"Hi. Uh, can you please help me and Cj we need two MI5 identities. If you could help us I would be very thankful." I bat my eyelashes and beam again, dying inside.

His face looks shocked and immediately turns red.

"Uh, yeah sure! Do you wanna come in? You wanna drink. I've got some-,"

"No thanks!" I interrupt, "I'll just give you the photos and wait, then we'll be on our way."

He nods rapidly and disappears into his home.

I share a glance with Cj and he walks closer to the door before yelling inside the house,

"You don't have our photos yet."

A rustle comes from inside and Ash rushes to the door with an,

"Oh yeah."

After handing him our photos we wait for about 10 minutes outside before finally he comes back to the door holding two black squares in his grasp. He hands them to us, bows at me, which weirds me out, and sticks his tongue out at Chris, which makes me laugh.

We walk off, still a little confused, and Cj goes through what we have been given.

"Pash." He says.

"Yep," I reply, flipping through my wallet.

"Do you have your picture?"

"No," I say.

"I do."

We stare at each other, realizing that Ash still has my photograph. I turn around and see that through a gap in the boarded-up windows, he is sticking something to the wall. My eyes widen and I look back at Chris who's mouth is gaping open.

"Just walk," I say speeding up my pace.

"Just walk." He repeats.



I am alive and healthy.
I'm very sorry I haven't been there I have just been very busy with school and it's boring. I hope you are all well and doing great in life. Thank you for reading this.
Also, Char has posted her new chapter written by moi, go check it out at Goldenmokingjay
(Also my Spiderman story is coming along very nicely, so look out for that:)

I love you guys,


A Passion FlowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora