10-Meet @ the woods

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Yo, it's me again. Just wanted to let you know, that I will be writing a chapter of my best friend Charlotte's story (chapter 20), My Darkest Secret. It's a really good book and if you haven't checked it out, please go and do that @Goldenmokingjay


I sit scrunched up next to Cj as we carefully go through the points in the plan. It is getting close to midnight and since I forgot to close my window, we can hear the sounds of London at night coming through the closed bathroom door. I am still silently seething at him but he has been very helpful and is clearly trying his hardest not to upset me anymore. He knows that he's treading on eggshells here.

Our plan is relatively simple,

1) Sneak me and Cubs out of my room undetected

2) Go to the secret back door that was installed for emergencies, then I would try and escape and Cj would leave through the front entrance to make it less suspicious.

3) Meet @ the woods

Easy right?

We stand up and unlock the bathroom door,  ready to put the plan in action when we hear hushed voices coming from outside the door of my room. I share a worried glance with him when realization dawns on his flustered face. He quickly pulls me back inside, closing the bathroom door, and starts spouting out words that I can barely make sense of.

"When I talked to Al, he said that they were gonna kidnap you tonight at 11 and test you or something and 11 but it's like probably eleven so we need to hide right now cos they're outside."

I panic when I hear the creak of my bedroom door starting to open. I rack my brain for a possible solution and then remember the closet. I grab Chris's hand and yank him to the other side of my bathroom. I quickly and swiftly type in the code before shoving him in as it starts to slowly open. I go to squish in after him until I realize I won't be able to open it from the inside. I stab my fingers around the edges to see if I can pull out the button box and luckily,  I finally succeed so I jump in next to him and spam press close.

Just as it closes with a soft thump, the workers burst in and start hunting the place for me. Cj and I stay as silent as possible so the only sound we hear from inside the pitch-black closet is our heartbeats and heavy breathing. I realize just how close Cj and I are, practically squished on top of each other but I ignore it as we wait in complete darkness for the men to leave.

There is a loud thump that sounds as if one of the worker men fell into my bathtub/hot tub.  "Jeremy, you are an idiot," another voice speaks in exasperation. Even in the dire situation, I stifle a giggle and Chris does too.

"Where the hell is it!" Another voice pipes in.

We hear thumping as they pull apart my room in anger. Cj seems to be more scared than I am which doesn't make sense since no-one is going to hurt him. We hear more shouts and curses until it finally dies down and they start trudging out of my room in defeat. Even though it seems like they have left, I hesitate to open the closet again. Chris nudges me slightly as a sign that we should leave but I have a strong feeling in my gut not to. I whisper,

"Wait a minute,"

And he huffs slightly, and I feel his face heating up in annoyance. We stay quiet when all of a sudden a voice appears out of nowhere.

"Wow, it really has gone. How could it escape without someone noticing."

"I dunno," another voice grunts. Their footsteps echo as they leave my room.

Finally, I push the open button and we wait for the familiar buzzing to start. Both Cj and I squint our eyes at the brightness of the bathroom. We tumble out, landing on top of each other, and lie for a minute catching our breath before I jump up and brush invisible dust off my shirt.

"How did you know not to leave?" He questions, smoothing down his clothes.

To be honest, I don't fully know the answer. It was just a feeling inside my gut that told me not to. I shrug in response to his question. Before I do anything though, I feel something wriggling at the back of my mind, like something I've forgotten.

"CUBS" I whisper-shout.

His brilliant blue eyes light up when he realizes that neither of us knows where my cat is.  I silently crawl to the door, walking around the edge of the bathtub/hot tub, and poke my head around to look for her. I can't see her anywhere.

We search my room and the bathroom and by the end, she is nowhere to be found. I start to feel on the verge of another panic attack, but Cj grabs my hand to calm me down. Once I notice what he's doing, I yank my hand away and glare at him.

"Let's just carry on with the plan. I am sure she will turn up somewhere." He announces.

I just nod my head and stomping towards the door. We give each other a nod before we leave and split up.


Chris gave me the directions to the back entrance. It is pretty near to where my room is but, there is the small problem that it's guarded by some bodyguard called Elmier? I manage to navigate the twists and turns of the corridors and finally come to a medium-sized door with the words 'Fire Exit' shining in green above it. Standing in front of said door is the bald bodyguard that I followed into the basement. This dude seems to be everywhere I turn. Even in the dim light, I can see he is standing on high alert. Someone must have warned him about my escape attempt.

I start assessing the situation, I need some way to distract him. Then, I can just sneak out. I rack my brain to try and create the best escape route. I could throw something to distract him but there is nothing to throw. I hear light footsteps arrive and a very scary-looking lady with hair as black as the night walks up to him. They start talking in hushed voices and stealing glances around them. I ultimately give up. Im gonna have to come up with another way to get out of here.

But, despite everything, it seems luck is on my side. Because who shows up? None other than a small, yellowy-ginger cat. She saunters over to them and throws herself down on the carpeted floor like she owns the place. The man and woman both look very confused, turning to look at my wonderful little cat. Then, while they're staring at her, she hisses, bites the lady on the leg, and bogies it down the hallway.

They run after her which gives me enough time to slip out of the fire exit as fast as I possibly can and sprint to the forest. I know that Cubs will find me after she escapes them. And if she can't escape?  I'm, sure she will bring out her inner lion If you know what I mean.

After navigating my way through the woods, I get to the lake. It shimmers daintily under the moonlight, a huge contrast to the creepy shapes of the forest. I see a figure hunched over, tapping a leg on the ground in anticipation. I quietly walk behind the figure and then softly tap them on the shoulder. Chris turns around and throws out a fist in defense that I easily duck. When he sees the outline of my face his eyes light up.

"Pash!" He shrieks. "Your not dead." He almost physically sighs in relief, making me wonder why he was worried for me. I don't like him anymore. He should not like me anymore. We sit on a log with the moon as our only source of light. I tell him about Cubs and he beams at me, obviously cheerful she isn't dead. The next thing on our agenda is, How do we stop the end of the world?


Robot voice:

*Initiate disco time.*

Woo, oh yeah! I finished another chapter.

Woo, oh yeah! I couldn't be happier.

Woo, oh yeah! I just remembered I have homework.

Woo, oh.. yeah. Man, school is such a jerk.

I have a tune for that song and everything. 😅 Ugh, the bold setting has just stopped working on my phone and computer. Is it just my font? I need to check this out.
ANYWAY, I hope you liked that chapter.
Fun fact: When a frog vomits, it ejects out its entire stomach and uses its forearms to empty out the contents. 
Yeah, eww.

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