4-The power of the waflle

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Cj's pov:

I sit watching the girl that I; randomly met in the middle of a park, asked me what a bra is, helped recover from a panic attack, and bought food for in a cafe, staring at the waffle she just took a bite of. Her eyes light up and she quickly demolishes it, smiling the whole way through. I decide not to interrupt her brief moment in heaven and patiently wait until she has wiped her mouth with her shirt (ignoring the napkin beside her) and let out an unladylike burp.

"Did you enjoy that?" I ask.

She smiles a small smile at me and nods her head yes. Her cat meows from under the table and I can feel it brush against my legs.

As she licks the remains of the maple syrup off her plate, I start regretting sharing so much information with her because she seems like she is a strange specimen of a human, and even though I should run out of the cafe like a madman, something about her makes me trust her. Although from what I have gathered from her personality, she isn't the kindest person I have ever met. Far from it actually. And I need her to trust me.

I decide to bluntly ask her questions and get as much information about her without being, you know, strange.

"So, what's your name?" I ask again since she didn't answer the first time.

She peers at me judgmentally before thinking. She is obviously wondering whether she should tell me or not.

Passions POV:

"So, what's your name?" CJ asks me. Should I tell him? It's not like he is going to discover I'm from the future just by my name.

"It is a pretty strange name," I reply.

"That's fine, I mean, one of my friends is called Valimena so I don't think you can get weirder than that.

I look down at the table and then glance back up at him.

"Passion," I mutter.

"Your name is passion?" he questions. "That's uh, unusual. Where does it come from?"

He's asking too many questions. I start getting up,

"It doesn't matter, how many Condas was that?" It slips out of my mouth before I can fully understand how much I just screwed up. Condas is the currency that we use and it's made from anaconda scales but from what I've realized I don't think they use Condas here.

"How many what?!"

"Nothing, anyway thank you for that delicious meal," I pick up Cubs and start walking out.

He hastily pulls out something and starts dropping metal coins on the table. Then he grabs a bag I hadn't noticed before and jumps up to run after me.

When I step outside I am momentarily overcome with the sounds of cars and engines that fill up my ears, people walk quickly past me like they only have 30 seconds left of their lives and I just stand in the middle of it taking in this scene. CJ pulls me along saying we have to keep moving otherwise we will get trampled on. He starts leading me and Cubs somewhere else because we can't hear each other over the noise and I look down at his hand pulling mine. The physical touch makes me shiver but somewhere inside me reminds me that I haven't touched anyone in a long time and that I kind of like it. But it still makes me uncomfortable. Every time we take a step I turn around and check Cubs is keeping up with us but she's a loyal cat and she's always there. 

Eventually, he leads me to a more secluded bit of the city where the trees are bigger and the houses are smaller and we stroll next to each other in silence for a while.

"Where are you staying?" He questions.

I decide to answer truthfully,

"I don't... know."

He stops walking as if to take that information in and then stares at me. "You don't have anywhere to stay?" He starts walking again. "Where did you even come from, I'm sorry but I really need to know why you are here because this is getting a little bit unnerving."

I manage to cover up by telling him an absurd lie about visiting my auntie but then getting lost and no way to communicate with her. He seems to believe it until he says,

"What about your phone?"

"My what?"

"Phone," And then he pulls out a shiny rectangle and presses a small circle near the bottom. The screen lights up and I start in surprise. I can see words on the screen and behind them, a sweet picture of him and some other people all laughing. I always knew phones and technology existed but I never thought I would actually see it first hand.

"Wow that's cool," I murmur. He studies me and says,

"What?! Have you never seen a phone before?"

"Uh, I've never had one," I answer, thinking on my feet.

"Wow, your strange." He turns to me, stopping again "listen, I will take you to my house and you can try and call your family member if you can. Then if they don't pick up or you can't get to them I will let you stay in the guest room for a bit. Also, I just want you to be aware that we have butlers AND bodyguards so don't try any funny business. And yes, I have somewhere your cat can stay too."

He puffs up when he tells me about the bodyguards and butlers as if trying to threaten me.

"Thank you but you really don't have to do that." I say quickly, "if you just point me to the nearest woods I can stay there."

Again I get another strange look from him like he's trying to figure me out. He shakes his head while saying "No No I cannot let you stay in a forest. It's ok, you can bunk with me. My father is never home so he won't mind"

I thank him multiple times but I honestly feel scared. I'm not from here and I just want to get home. As he starts leading me home he sends a 'text' to his butler saying he will be home soon but when he turns on his phone I get a quick glance at the words on the first screen again. They say, 'May, 19th 2031' I freeze. That's three days before the date on which Christopher green signs the Declaration of Understandment. Three days before the world starts crumbling to the ground.

I pick up Cubs for comfort. CJs turns to me and smiles, checking I'm ok. I smile back at him but it's forced. So this is why I've been sent here. To stop it?

"Passion?" He slightly winces using my name as he isn't used to it "Are you alright?

"Yep" I reply "I'm fine."

Ohhhhh. So yes that's why she has been sent here. Thank you for reading this chapter. I did give an extra chapter because I wanted to and ye.

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Luv you guys Aila:)

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