Chapter 52

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For the past two days, we have been getting everything ready for the 8 Letters music video and we started filming Daniel's part.

All six of us had separate settings and different styles for our outfits. My setting was probably the most serious one considering I would have to be in a glass box full of water.

We were hopefully going to get through Corbyn, Daniel, and my settings today since we were the ones that had to be in a warehouse or building of a sort.

"You nervous at all for your shoot?" The faux blonde asks adding the last touches to his outfit.

The only normal looking outfit of all of us was mine and Daniel's. The other boys had some weird combinations going on but it still went with their setting so it really didn't matter.

"Definitely. I'm scared I won't hear people outside of the box from the water getting in my ears"

"Don't forget you also have to open your eyes at a certain moment so that's gonna be difficult to time right" Daniel adds on.

I just nod in agreement and lay my head back on the couch and cross my arms loosely over my chest.

Daniel had a few more shots to do before he was finished and next is Corbyn's turn than mine.

I won't lie, I'm extremely scared, terrified even.

"Daniel we're ready for you," one of the directors says walking into the dressing room we were in.

Daniel moves his hair to the side once more and fixes it a bit before leaving the room.

"Is it just me or did the outfit make his eyes brighter?" Corbyn asks in a trance as he looks at the door Daniel just walked out of.

"What did you just say?" I asked shocked looking at the blonde.

"What?" He asks confused.

"You just said that Daniel's eyes were brighter. Do you like Daniel?"

Corbyn's eyes widen and he looks down at his lap, playing with his fingers. He just shrugs and lets out a harsh breath through his nose.

"I'm confused" he admits quietly putting his head in his hands.

I get up and walk over towards his hunched over figure and rub his back. He leans his head against my stomach and continues mumbling stuff to himself.

"Bean is it possible that you, I don't know, have feelings for Daniel?"

"No... yes... maybe. I don't know. I can't right I mean that's wrong. I'm dating Christina, I can't like him. But then again he makes me feel so different when I'm with him than when I'm with Christina and it's all just confusing. He's always on my mind and it's like every time I think of something it always goes back to him. He makes me feel so good about myself and I just don't know" he rambles still looking down at his lap.

"You know what I think?"


"I think you love him but you're afraid to admit it to yourself," I say truthfully. He just looks up at me and doesn't say anything.

"I love him" he admits softly. His arms wrap around my waist and he moves his head back down so he's looking straight at the wall. "I love him" he repeats quieter this time.

"What do I do? What if he doesn't feel the same? What if I just ruin everything between us because of how I feel?"

"None of that will happen Bean. Trust me"

"But how do you know?" My finger started running through his blonde hair to calm him down some. He was really tense and freaking out so when I mess with his hair it normally calms him down.

"You just have to trust me"


"Alright Adalyn go under for a minute and we'll see if you can hear us. Come up when you do" Jon says looking up at me.

The stylist gave me a grey dress that has a black top and grey mesh that goes over my shoulders to make it look strapless but it's really not.

I, of course, had shorts underneath the dress considering the fabric of the skirt would be floating around me.

I did as told and went underwater a bit and waited for them to knock on the side of the glass.

It was very faint but it was there.

I pull myself back above water and look down at Jon.

"Alright we will do that knock when you open your eyes and when you can come back up for air before the next scene"

I just nod and I was told to go into the center of the box and down halfway. I wasn't allowed to have any air in my mouth so that meant my face had to be rested and looking natural.

The time started when I was in the center of the box so I had already lost some air and was in need of more.

I was down for a good five seconds before air started coming out of my nose. I came up before I heard the knocks and started coughing and blowing water out of my nose.

"Adalyn, I didn't knock yet," Jon says looking up at me.

"And you don't think I know that?" I snap back pushing the hair from my face.

I take a deep breath before going back under and back to the center of the box.

After we did that shoot the next one was of me standing in a giant circle that had about two or three inches of water in it.

Eventually, I was done with my shoot and we could all go home.

I couldn't help but think about trying to get Corbyn and Daniel together. I promised Corbyn that I wouldn't tell anyone but then again I never listen so I will tell Zach but that's probably it.

I need them together.

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