Chapter 15

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I walk out of my herbalism class feeling worn and tired as if I had just run two miles earlier that day... Oh wait...

Mr. Adams had decided that for our last practice of the week, we run until our legs give out. I made it about two and a half miles, which was further than most. After that, I pretty much slept in my other two classes. Mrs. Evers was completely fine with it for some odd reason. Maybe she felt bad about calling me up and embarrassing me with the sage root thing. Mrs. Habbersham, though, was a different story.

"Kylee Ramirez, my class is not a sleeping hall!" She snapped in her high pitched voice, startling me awake.

"I-I'm sorry..." I stammered, my head shooting up from the hard, wooden desk. She scoffed under her breath and I could faintly see her upper lip curl as she gave me her familiar sneer.

"I will not hesitate to send you to the headmaster if you believe an hour of useless sleep is more important than learning how to survive in this world with humans." Something about her tone told me that she honestly wouldn't mind if I found myself in trouble.

"It won't happen again..." I mumbled, keeping my gaze on my fidgeting hands as I bit back the other words I wished to say.

"It better not." She grumbled before turning her attention to the blackboard, scratching her next lesson onto it with quick and fluid strikes as if she was trying to take out her frustration on the poor, eroded chalk.

"Now, humans tend to socialise in groups so walking around in an area like Westopolis alone would be a very poor idea. You do not need to interact with humans directly by any means. In fact, for now, I would advise against it completely. Instead, if you ever need to go out into a human city of any kind, have a friend or partner go with you. It will raise less suspicion and it also decreases the chance that you will be approached." All our heads nodded simultaneously and she gave us a grim smile in response.

"You have five minutes before the end of class so I suggest you use it to study for the exam on Monday." With that, she started to erase her lesson, white dust particles filling the air. I opened my book to the picture of the world map, tracing the odd outline of Australia. "I wonder where we are..." I mumbled to myself as my nail reached one of the peaks at the top of the drawing. It was almost like two horns with the one on the left partially cut off. All I knew is that there is a large body of water near here, but I was not sure if it was a lake or ocean. My thoughts were interrupted by the loud chime of the bell ringing through the halls. Everyone filed out of the class one at a time, me being in the middle of the group. I decided to just go straight to herbalism instead of stopping by the cafeteria first.

"If you wish to sleep in my class, I will let it slide just this once." Mrs. Evers told me softly as I walked through her door. Did I really look that tired?

"Thank you..." I murmured back with a soft smile and headed to the back of the class. I must have slept the majority of the time because I was jolted awake by yet another loud bell. It was then that the sinking feeling settled in my stomach.

It's time...

I don't feel Segas's dark presence yet as I walk out into the courtyard, but something else catches my attention. A soft melody lingers in the air, filling the area with an an almost carefree feeling. As I get closer to the sound, I realise it is coming from the other side of the fountain. There is a sudden, small gust of air as a shadowy figure darts past me. The only thing I can see clearly is the beady red eyes before the raven disappears to the other side of the stone Angels. The music doesn't stop, however. If anything, it becomes lighter, and yet, something sad underlies the soft melody. Can this really be the statue man? The one who seemingly wants to kill me every time we meet? My feet slowly move on their own accord, bringing me closer. Sure enough, I see his tall figure sitting on the edge of the fountain, his eyes closed while he plays the wooden violin in his hands. The raven on his left shoulder stirs slightly and he partially opens one eye.

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