Chapter 4

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My eyes snap open as fear rushes through me like someone has just given me a large shot of adrenaline. Something is wrong. A strange form of darkness is practically palpable in the air, seeping through the walls of my dorm. My left hand reaches out, clicking on the lamp by pulling the small chain resting beside the carved wooden base. Dim light fills the room, revealing off white coloured walls and bits of dark furniture. The partial kitchen lies to my left. It's small, but usable. It was one of the first things I went to once I finally found my dorm. Thankfully, it comes with a microwave, a small two burner stove, a currently empty mini-fridge, and a sink. There is no dishwasher, but that I am used to. The only reason I know what any of these things are is because of the magazines that Andalo would find at the edge of the forest by Westopolis. He was the only one who dared to venture so close to the humans. Thinking about the boy makes me miss my family. I have only been gone two days and yet it feels like two years. They were the ones who raised me after I was found wandering the forest alone as a small child. I can't remember how I got there, or what happened to my human parents, but I never really had to worry about it.

I swing my feet over the side of my bed and slowly stand, stretching my arms above my head. The darkness is still here, but it does not seem to be an immediate threat. I still hurry, though, before it does become one. I quickly change, throwing on my black skinny jeans and white button up shirt. My fingers lace my black combat boots until they fit snugly, coming to about halfway up my small calves. As a courtesy/joke of my loving brother, my only jacket now is a navy blue pirate one with gold trim. As a complimentary gift, he also gave me the hat. I leave said hat on my dark brown dresser as I step out into the hall, locking the door behind me. The key rests just a few inches under my collarbone so that I can slip off the makeshift necklace without having to undo the little silver hook that holds the two ends together.

The dark presence becomes stronger the closer I get to the entrance. I grow more and more nervous with each step, but I have to see who or what is causing it. My family is not far from this place and I will do anything to keep them safe.

I make it out to the courtyard, my eyes scanning for anything out of place. All I see, however, is the short green grass and the beautifully carved stone fountain. It is still dark outside, so the majority of the light comes from the light poles around the perimeter. They cast an eerie yellow light on the area; causing shadows to elongate shorten when they flicker. Laughter echoes around me, adding to the ominous and dark feeling. I spin around and catch sight of a person standing on the edge of the roof. My first feeling is worry of him falling. I don't have enough elemental control to stop a fall like that. Burning red eyes suddenly pierce the darkness, staring straight at me. I instinctively cower under the dark gaze and the laughter grows louder. This person must be the source of the darkness I was feeling. Another light begins to glow, a small white ball in his hands. Whatever it is, the ball thing is radiating massive energy. It flickers in his hands as darkness and light dance in the orb, causing it to increase in size. The wind begins to pick up around us, the ball now the size of a soccer ball. The man lightly flicks his hand and the orb goes spiraling towards the woods. A few moments later there is a loud BANG and a giant, bright white dome begins to form, completely obliterating everything in its path. Pain radiates through me and I take a knee, clutching my chest. The coldness of the ground seeps in through my jeans, chilling me to the bone and I shiver madly. The man gives me a curious look before vanishing. His aura completely disappears as well as if he’s managed to completely fade from reality. I take a few deep breaths as the pain slowly subsides, the only things remaining being confusion and annoyance. Who was that man? Why was he on the roof? Why did he destroy a part of the forest? The questions race through my mind as I try to comprehend what just happened. Two thoughts, however, keep forcing their way back to the front. Is my family alright and why am I in so much pain? I haven't felt this way since the trial...

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