Chapter 17

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I wake up to a loud pounding on my door and a highly irritated voice calling for me to get up. My eyes snap open and I jolt up from the small bed, wiping under my eyes to get rid of the dried sleep. Using the small black band on my wrist, I put my hair up into a loose ponytail and then run to open the door. Segas glares at me from the other side, his eyes burning an annoyed red. I bow my head and stare at my feet in embarrassment. I must have overslept then.

"Laziness is not a quality that I will accept in an apprentice." He growls and starts to walk away, most likely heading towards the roof. I follow silently and look around the grim hallway, sighing under my breath. How anyone could ever live in such a morbid place? Although, he probably enjoys the darkness of it. He pushes open the door and I see the faint light blue horizon, the sun half way down already. Did I really sleep this late..? I reach out to him but pause when I see dried blood caked onto my arm and around my fingers.

"H-how is this even possible..?" I whisper, my eyes wide with shock. Segas turns around to look at my arm, shaking his head ever so slightly.

"If the darkness in you is powerful enough, it can affect your body along with your mind. What I find disappointing is that you did not even notice it until just now." He sighs and runs his hand through his midnight black hair before stepping out onto the roof and motioning for me to follow. I walk out behind him and sigh. Leave it to me to disappoint my mentor on my first day.

"So what training session is scheduled for today?" I ask wearily and he chuckles, that familiar grin spreading across his pale face.

"What do you think is valuable when it comes to combat?" He asks and I give him a confused look.

"Knowing how to defend yourself?" I respond and he sighs again.

"That is a basic skill that you should already know... It seems like I have a lot more work in store for myself than I have previously thought." His hands interlock behind his back. "It's pitiful how clueless you are..."

I huff and my eyes narrow at him as I bite the inside of my lip. "You aren't getting into my head again, Segas." What I leave out is that he kind of already is. A larger grin tugs at his thin lips and a shiver runs up my spine as his burning red eyes scan up and down my body. He sees this and chuckles lightly, stepping closer.

"Really now? It seems quite easy to get into that head of yours. It is a danger for you, honestly." He grins widely and leans down close, his mouth just by my ear. "I think just about any guy could easily take advantage..." His comment makes my cheeks flare up and I shiver at the feeling of his warm breath on my skin. I can faintly hear his chuckle and he breaths heavily out of his nose. The hairs on the back of my neck stand and I quickly back away, trying not to stumble as my cheeks burn a deep red.

"W-what are you doing?!" I demand angrily, but instead of responding, he just moves closer.

"A weak little toy to have fun with and break." He whispers as my back presses against the stone wall that marks the entrance.

"I-I'm not weak!" I stutter, my blush deepening as his eyes slowly shift up and down, analysing every aspect of my body. I've never felt so... Violated...

"Hmmm that vibrant blush says otherwise. I bet you would be quite easy for any man desperate enough." He chuckles and something switches with the embarrassed fear swirling inside me. Red hot frustration and anger.

"I'm not easy!" I yell at him and my eyes narrow, the wind bursting to life around us. He raises an eyebrow, his grin now shifting to a more sadistic smile as he stares at me.

"It seems you are still clueless to our lesson." He scoffs and turns to look at the horizon, an annoyed frown placing itself on his lips.

"Evidently it's to keep you out of my head..." I grumble, slowly moving away from the wall. I clench my hands for a moment to stop the shaking. It is mostly anger, but there was something else that has my other emotions in a tizzy. I can't see to place it, though.

"That is not your lesson, but I would find it amusing to see you try. You are very predictable." He chuckles and turns back to look at me, his eyes now a soft Violet.

I can't help but laugh and roll my eyes at him. "You really think I'm that predictable? You don't even know me."

"Tell me, do you even know yourself?" He asks and I could have sworn that, just for a moment, his smile turned slightly sympathetic. The second I blink, it's gone and the same grin is plastered on his face. I must have imagined it, but what did he mean by that?

"Of course I know myself!" I look at him with a confused expression. "I mean, I'm me!"

"But who are you?" He asks again. "Can you tell me that?" I give him a dubious look and scoff under my breath.

"I'm Kylee Ramirez!" Wow, it felt weird saying my name out loud like that."I'm a 17 year old human who can control the elements."

"Are you sure about that?" He laughs and the grin widens. "Absolutely positive?"

"Of course I'm positive!" I tell him exasperatedly.

"Have you figured out the answer yet?" He changes the subject so quickly it surprises me. Or maybe it is tied in. Dammit! He got in my head again! No, not dammit... Damn him! My expression must be reflecting my thoughts because his brow raises again as he laughs softly.

"I thought this was going to be training, not harassing me." I grumble.

His eyes narrow in annoyance. "Clearly, your mentality needs some tweaking as well. I am not solely getting inside your head for my amusement." I scoff. I know his amusement is a large part of this. Suddenly, it clicks and I silently chastise myself for not seeing it earlier.

"You wanted to piss me off." I shake my head and look down at the stone meld of the roof. "Keeping my temper under control is my lesson, isn't it?" The grin crosses his face again and he moves his arms behind his back again.

"A lesson that you are not very good at learning."

"Hey! You're the one that was trying way too hard to get in my head!" I shoot back and he gives me a warning glare.

"You really think I was trying?" His laughter darkens. "I could shatter your thoughts in a matter of seconds if I wished to." The tone in his voice makes fear race through me like I have just been given a large shot of adrenaline. Segas isn't a good person. Somehow, that knowledge kept fading as my school life progressed, but now I fully realise just how evil he is. There is no doubt in my mind, now. Despite being my mentor and helping me control my abilities...

Segas is my enemy...

Identity (Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon