Chapter 14

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"What have you found Ramæl?" The man asks casually while he taps the armrest of his throne. She cautiously approaches him, bowing slightly as she hands him the same manilla envelope with more pictures and a small bio of what she has learned.

"Her name is Kylee and from what I've seen, she only seems to communicate with two people. One is nothing to worry about, but..." She trails off and sighs, her fiery red hair falling in her face.

"But what?" He demands, slight anger rising in his voice. "There is no one here who has the power to stop me." She cringes at his boastful arrogance and nods.

"I have never see him before, but his aura is... Impressive..." She mumbles. "Even the girl seem terrified of him..."

"Ha! Like she would be terrified of anything! She has the power of this world at her fingertips!" He laughs, sifting through the slightly blurry photos.

"I do not believe she is aware of who she is." She says calmly, awaiting a punishment from him for her corrective words. He freezes, his nails hovering just an inch from the arms, but no punishment comes.

"What?" He demands, even though he plainly heard her. "How does he not know who she is?!" His voice is rising and Ramæl grits her teeth to bite back her sour reply.

"I'm sorry, my king..." She mumbles and begins to turn away.

"Wait." He calls to her and holds out his hand, requesting more of her time. "Tell me what news you have of the Faila court." She sighs softly and turns around, her tired amber eyes scanning him while a weary expression rests on her face.

"The forested area that the girl grew up in was a town of Faila commoners. They were burned to death by the humans the other day. Judging by the lack of retaliation, queen Irsa and the guards were unharmed." He scoffs and taps the Ivory armrests again.

"I told you never to mention that damn woman's name!" He growls, his eyes taking on a dangerous shade of green as he glares at her. She quickly bows her head and bites her lip. It was careless of her to mention the queen so casually. After all, she did break his heart...

"My queen." The man bowed, his right hand resting over his yet to be withered heart. He kept his brilliant wings tucked close to his back as he smiled up at her.

"Mandala, to whom do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" She asked plainly, her musical voice ringing with the power of her royal title. He was used to such a cold response, especially when there were people around. Even now, the court room was packed with guards, merchants and concerned subjects looking to their queen for guidance. His smile brightened when she acknowledged him and he slowly walked forward until the guards stopped him at the base of the glittering white steps that led to her throne. Their gold plated armour clinked as they crossed their weapons in front of him. Irsa waved her arm out and the two men reluctantly backed away, letting Mandala walk up to their precious leader. His heels clicked against the Quartz steps as he approached and then he kneeled down in front of her, bowing his head.

"I am afraid we have urgent matters to discuss." He replied back. It was what he always said when there were really more private matters to discuss instead. She nodded and, for a split second, he could see a hint of a smile flicker onto her pale lips.

"I will be back in a few moments." She announced to the visitors, and the crowd grew silent, her tone leaving no room for argument. With that, she stood and turned away, motioning for Mandala to follow her through the back door. They enter a large room, faintly lit by a chandelier made of shells found from the shores of Oberan, a sacred place that the royal family visits once a year in order to replenish their connection with the earth. The walls were completely crafted of large grey stones that sparkled with random vibrant colours from the crystals that were moulded into the design. Each one was strategically place so that when the dull rays caught them, dancing lights flickered around, making it seem like the entire place itself was created with magic. Her slender fingers brushed along the cool wall as she felt around for the slight indent in the design.

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