Chapter 2

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I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself as I walk into the courtyard. The large building comes into view and looms over me, my jaw dropping slightly in awe when I first see it. The entire structure is made of stone and brick so perfectly melded together it looks like a castle from a fairy tale. There are three buildings in total. The main stands in front of me with two ivory columns marking its entrance. This must be where the registration is, or at least, I hope so. As I get closer, I can see the intricate designs etched into the Ivory. Patterns of intricate swirls dance around them, leaving the mind free to imagine what they create. At one point I almost see an image of twisted leaves being blown off of a small tree. When I blink, however, a small rabbit takes its place. It is then that I realise the lines are moving, slowly shifting around to change the images.

"Fascinating, isn't it." Someone calls. I quickly turn, taking a step back. A boy about my age faces me, a strange smirk resting on his pale, almost nonexistent lips.

"Tell me girl, are you a human?" Something dances in his eyes as he speaks, something dark. A small breeze blows around us, lifting his blonde hair enough so that I can see a dark grey scar over his left eye. In an instant, the wind dies and he chuckles, tapping the top of his helmet. The sound is off. It's not metallic like you would expect, more like gravel being scraped along concrete.

"A-are you made of stone?" I ask curiously. His smirk shifts into a mischievous grin and a raven flies into his shoulder, the bird's beady red eyes never leaving me.

"Oh, Arma!" He says excitedly. "It seems we've found a human!" His gaze shifts to me and I begin to back away at the same moment he begins walking towards me.

"It's alright girl... I've just got a little present for you..." At his words, the raven begins to shift into a strange solid black cutlass. My eyes widen in shock and I shake my head. This is crazy.

"I-I've never heard of a shape shifter than can turn into a weapon..." I stutter, nervousness and fear coursing through my body, filling me with an unhealthy does of adrenaline.

"That's because she's Arma..." He replies as if that is all the explanation needed. His hand tightens around the hilt and he rushes me, swinging for my neck. I can't move... I'm rooted to the spot... Thankfully, my legs give out and I fall to my knees, the blade sailing over me and slicing off some of my blonde hair instead. The concrete ground scrapes my skin and I wince, but I'm positive it's not as bad as being beheaded by a lunatic statue. He laughs maniacally and makes another swing. I quickly scramble to my feet and run inside, slamming the thick mahogany doors behind me and resting for a second against the cool wood. His laughter seems to echo in my ears and suddenly, the blade pierces through the door about an inch from my right ear. I scream and run down the main hallway, a few unfamiliar faces turning to look at me. My worn sneakers pound against the tiled floors and I quickly become breathless as I weave through the random halls, trying to lose him. I make another turn and skid to a stop, my heels digging into the floor to help stop me. He stands right in front of me with a wide grin, knowing he has cut me off.

"Care to see a magic trick little girl?" He asks in an oddly innocent tone as the raven forms into a hat. I watch him wearily, trying to regain my breath before I run. The instant he sticks his stone fingers into the hat, it transforms back into a blade and I take off, running up the stairs behind me.

"This little game of cat and mouse is getting annoying..." He calls, taunting me as he walks up the steps. Where the hell is the faculty??? Shouldn't they be stopping this??? But no, the halls are practically empty. I glance at the window and sigh softly. It might be the only chance I've got. Hopefully statues can't fly, and, more importantly, hopefully I can. I've been practicing using wind currents to keep me floating in the air, but I haven't perfected it... Do or die moment, though. One chance... I run to the window and open it, not wanting to get expelled on my first day for smashing through. That and I don't want to be lined with cuts and bleeding profusely by the time I get away.

"Jumping out a window won't save you little girl..." He chuckles, still walking towards me. I can see him now right at the top of the steps, gradually getting closer. The black cutlass drags against the ground, creating a sickening scratching sound that echoes off the walls.

"Maybe it will..." And with those words, I jump out. My eyes squeeze shut as I plummet, the air whipping around me and reminding me just how stupid this idea is. Focus Kylee, you can do this... I focus on the air, willing a strong current to form under my feet. Please work... My descent begins to slow and my feet lightly touch the bright green grass that now bows out of my way.

"I-I did it! Yes!" I shout, looking up at the window to see the statue man glaring down at me. There is another expression on his face, though. It almost seems like fear, but that's impossible... He suddenly looks woozy and disappears from sight, leaving me alone in the meadow like area. A small sigh of relief passes my lips and I sit down on the warm, dry ground, looking up at the sky. Hues of green mix with the deep blue, light grey and puffy clouds adding texture and dimension. I have never seen the purpose of comparing the clouds to common items like a snake or a guitar. It is just a strange idea to me, and yet, that is exactly what I do. I fall back and watch the clouds as they slowly drift across the sky.

"Day one at the academy, and I've already had a psychopath killer come after me who is also a statue... This is going to be interesting indeed." I should feel scared or at least nervous, but I don't. In fact, I feel quite the opposite, excited really. This is completely different from living with the Fae, where we stayed in our tight knit groups, never interacting with outsiders. At this academy, there is no choice. There will be hundreds of people here once classes start, if not over a thousand. Not interacting is impossible, but that fact doesn't faze me much. This is my chance to explore the human world and grow stronger and I'll be damned if I let an opportunity like this pass me. One thing is for certain: I'm staying.

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