Chapter 9

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Classes have started and my boring life of school has begun. Or so I thought, that is. My class load seems pretty average, except for the training. My instructor looks like a sport man. His hair is mostly gone except for a thin line of stray grey hairs poking out of his head. He has a very muscular build for someone of his age too. He also has a scary look, a frown always resting on his heavily tanned face. His name is Mr. Evans and he makes us work until we feel like our bodies are going to give out. Every day it is something different; running, pole vaulting, sparring, or something else entirely. That is my first class of the day. From there, I have a human etiquette class, and then my personal favourite, herbalism.

The herbalism teacher's name is Mrs. Adams, a very sweet lady in her later years of life, probably around 60 or so. Her long white hair falls about to her wide hips in dead straight lines.She is quite a short woman, probably about 4'9" tall in total and more stout than chubby. Thinking back on it, she might have been a dwarf.

Mrs. Habbersham, though is a completely different story. She is a very tall and lanky lady with short, bright pink hair that cuts off just at her defined jawline. If I couldn't have guessed it from her insane height, her ears would have also given away her race. They are small and pointed at the ends, showing her elven lineage. Most of the time, she is very nice, but if you happen to get on her nerves, you will quickly see the other side of her. A sharp tonged woman who is not afraid to enforce the rules.

I have these three classes, four days a week. It has been surprisingly easy. There is not much homework to do and the classes are only a couple of hours a piece. Unlike the human schools I have heard about, this school encourages individuality and free time. My Friday's, Saturday's and Sunday's are pretty much completely free, even though I typically spend Friday's recovering from training.

It was on a Saturday that I saw the man again on the academy's roof. The entire scene plays over and over in my mind, the ending never changing despite my wishes. It's been a few days since then, but it is still hard to focus on anything else. There is a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, telling me that he is the one person someone does not want to interest. We are to meet again, but when and were were never established....

"Kylee!" A high pitched voice snaps at me. I quickly look up from the light brown desk, my eyes wide with surprise.

"You need to stop zoning out!" Grace whispers, lowering her tone so that Mrs. Habbersham won't hear her.

"Y-yeah... Sorry..." I mumble, looking back down at my sketch in the small booklet she had given us. I had scribbled over the numbers with his piercing eyes, letting the natural White of the page glow through the dark grey graphite outline of his irises. I place the pencil down, the plastic tapping against the desk a few times due to my shaking hand.

"What's gotten into you?" She demands, worry underlining her words. I shake my head and give her a slightly forced smile.

"Nothing really, I just didn't get much sleep last night and I did not eat breakfast this morning." Her thin lips purse in annoyance as she chooses her next words.

"We have fifteen minutes once the bell rings until the next class starts so I am taking you to the cafeteria and you are getting some food. I'll shove a burger down your throat if I need to." I gulp nervously and laugh under my breath. She knows I'm a vegetarian, but for some reason, she has an issue accepting it. I guess it's a vampire thing. She giggles loudly and leans back on my desk from hers.

"Miss. Peters and Miss. Ramirez, if you wish to socialise then I suggest it be outside my class and on your own time." Mrs. Habbersham scolds, her bright green eyes narrowing at the two of us. I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment as soft chuckles sound in the room from the unfamiliar classmates staring at us.

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