Chapter 16

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He glares at Ramæl as she bows head silently, her small hands clenched tightly by her sides.

"What do you mean she has disappeared?" He asks slowly, the anger level rising in his voice.

"That man with the powerful aura took her somewhere and then all traces of her disappeared." She sighs, squeezing her eyes shut as Mandala stands from his gold and Ivory throne, slowly walking down the red carpeted steps towards her. A stinging pain erupts in her cheek as the back of his hand makes contact and her head lurches to the side.

"How could one so accomplished fail at such a simple task?!" He roars, wrapping his hand around her neck. Ramæl's eyes budge as she claws at his wrist, sucking in short gasps of air so that she doesn't faint. A few moments later, he releases her, letting her barely conscious body fall silently to the ground.

"If you want something done right, then you must do it yourself." He sighs, stepping over the poor girl as she tries to stand. "Ramæl, pack my bags. I am going out for a few days. Since you are too incompetent to lead in my stead, I shall appoint someone in the council." She cringes at the harsh words but stays silent, simply nodding. Opening her mouth now would most likely result in the removal of her tongue. His wings ruffle slightly against his back as he turns to her, a grim expression on his face.

"Once the girl is eradicated, our plan will go into motion. Do not forget where your loyalties lie, Ramæl." She glances down at her feet her left hand holding her right tightly behind her back.

"Yes, my king." She states plainly, not wanting to anger him any more. He steps out of his throne room, the large doors slamming behind him. Ramæl holds her bruised and swollen cheek, cursing herself for ever leaving the queen's side. This man's goal is suicide... They will all die, every last creature on this world. As if he can sense her thoughts, a sudden wave of exhaustion hits and her legs give out as she collapses to the ground again. He must be draining her power, but why..? Does he no longer feel like he needs her for his plans? If that is the case, Ramæl is as good as dead. Mandala is not a man who likes to keep around useless people. This, she knew for sure. Thankfully, her strength slowly returns and she staggers to her feet, swaying slightly. She needs to prove her worth in order to ensure her life and the only way to do that is to deliver that girl to him...


A demented and feminine voice laughs out, filling the air and making the darkness around me seem even more menacing.

"Look at all the trouble you cause." She chuckles and I spin around, trying to locate the source of the voice.

"I didn't cause any of this!" I cry and the laughter grows louder.

"Your family died protecting you. All of your Fae friends died because of you too. Wherever you go, death and sorrow follows. It's sad really." Het tone, however, is anything but depressed.

"I-I didn't..." I mumble, my voice fading as guilt replaces the fear in my heart.

"You didn't what? You didn't cause the death of your parents? What about the men? You relentlessly murdered each and every one of them and, if I recall, the only Fae you cared about was your dearest Andalo." I cringe, gritting my teeth as I walk blindly towards the voice.

"But it was the humans who did it. They murdered both of your families, burned your dear brother alive, shot your dear sister just as her hand was about to meet yours." I feel the tears stinging my face and wipe at them frantically.

"Who are you? Where are you?!" I demand, turning around again. All I see, though, is the uncomfortable darkness.

"Now that is the question isn't it?" She cackles and a form slowly begins to appear from the shadows. I stumble backwards out of surprise and trip, landing hard on the ground. Glowing blue eyes meet mine as the woman's face becomes visible.

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