Chapter 7

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The tour overall only lasts about an hour. Interestingly enough, I got lost just as much as her and we even ended up separated a few times. It doesn't help that the school is ridiculously large, with lots of identical hallways. By the time it ended, I was stressed, tired, and drenched in chlorinated water. Grace had decided to jump in the pool fully clothed while I stood on the edge, watching over her like some protective mother letting her first born take up swimming for the first time. It was nerve wracking to say the least.

"You're no fun!" Grace pouted and looked up at me, her now soaked hair plastered messily to her pale and freckled face.

"I don't care, I'm not going swimming in an artificial body of water." I shot back and she crossed her arms in front of her while treading in the six foot deep water.

"You're so poosty..." I gave her a confused look, not understanding the word.

"Poosty..?" I asked curiously and she flashed me a devilish grin.

"You're stuck up. You think you're better than us because you grew up in the forest. Chlorinated water is only chlorinated so that it stays clean when people go swimming."

"I am not stuck up!" I huffed and glared down at her. She sent me a quick smirk before her thin fingers wrapped around my ankle. "Woah, wait! What are you doi-" I was cut off as she yanked me down, my head narrowly missing the concrete side of the pool. There was a loud splash, a muffled scream, and suddenly I was surrounded by water. I panicked for a moment, trying to get my bearings before I swam to the top, my head bursting out of the oddly warm water. I sputtered and spat out the horrid taste of it in my mouth. This was chlorine? My attention shifted to Grace when I heard the crazed cackling and giddy laughter coming from her open mouth.

"That wasn't funny..." I growled, my eyes flashing darkly at her. If anything, this only made her laugh harder.

"You're right... It was hilarious!" I rolled my eyes in response and began to climb out of the pool, thankfully, she didn't stop me or try to pull me back in the water this time.

"Tour's over now." I told her coldly and she frowned, finally conceding and getting out of the pool.

"Fine..." She sighed and walked over to me, giving me another crushing hug. "Thank you for helping me out." I smiled down at her. There was no way I could stay mad. She was too childlike for that.

"Of course! I actually had a lot of fun." I was true. In the hour we spent together, I was finally able to feel carefree for the first time in a while. Her smile brightened at my words and she finally let go of me. I sucked in a quick breath of air dramatically, happy to be able to breathe again. A faint blush of embarrassment crossed her cheeks and she quickly apologised.

"It's fine!" I told her quickly. "You're just a lot stronger than you look." She giggled in response and began to flex her small muscles. I rolled my eyes again but couldn't help the laugh that passed my lips. After that, we left to go back to her dorm. She was on the third floor about 4 doors to the left of the stairwell.

"This is it, 12D." She stated as if she wasn't reading the bleach white printed handout in her hands. She slipped in the similar brass key and the door unlocked with a soft click that almost echoed in the otherwise silent hallway. She stepped inside to the dark room and cast a quick glance back at me.

"Would you like come inside?" She asked curiously and I shook my head.

"I wish I could, but I need to do some training today." I told her with a small smile. "Maybe some other time then." She nodded and walked inside, giving me a quick wave before the door shut on its own behind her. I sighed slightly before making my way outside. That girl was definitely something...

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