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Chapter 26

Sage P.O.V.

The three of us had been walking for a few hours, stopping in a few stores every now and then to grab something and then walking out before they could catch us. We eventually found ourselves at the DX and Two-bit whistled, causing me to look up. I saw a few girls flirting with Soda and him trying to keep a safe distance from them.

Dally chuckled, "Dumb broads." I walked over to where Soda was standing and gave him a wink when he saw me. A smile spread over his face, but none of the girls seemed to realize why. They probably thought it was something they said. Steve looked up from the car he was working on and saw me walking up behind the girls. He shook his head with a smile and stopped what he was doing to watch.

I was a few feet behind the girls when I spotted a water hose. After turning the water on, I grabbed the hose and pointed it at the girls. Screams were heard the second the water hit them, and I had nothing but a smirk on my face. I made sure they were all soaked before I put the hose down. "I figured I was doing you all a favor and cooling you down since you were so hot and bothered by my boyfriend here."

One of them turned around and pointed a finger at me. "You bitch. Who do you think you are? You ruined my clothes!" One of the other girls grabbed her arm and said, "That Dallas Winston's little sister. I heard she was just as crazy as him." I stepped towards the girl who pointed the finger at me and saw her visibly pale.

"Who in the hell do you think you are flirtin' with another girls man? On our territory as well. You got a death wish?" She shook her head and got close enough to her to whisper in her ear, "If I ever see you near him again, I'll make sure it's the last thing you do." Dal said my name in a warning tone, and I backed off.

The girls grabbed their things and left as quickly as they could. Steve asked what I told her for them to be running off that fast. I shrugged my shoulders, "All I said was that I liked her shoes." Soda came a wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "You're somethin' else." He kissed the side of my head and led me over to where Dal, Two, and Steve were standing.

"What are you hobo's up to today?" Steve asked us. Dal went to answer when Tim pulled into the DX. He got out and said, "The Brumly Boys are fighting in the rumble Friday." Soda's arm around me got tighter and I could see the rest of the guys tense up. Dally pointed at me, "You are not leaving the Curtis house Friday. You hear me?" I nodded my head, but all I could think about was Soda and the rest of the guys. Tim said, "Angela can stay with you. You still have that heater you took from your brother?" I nodded my head again and tuned them all out.

I know it is a skin on skin fight, but that won't stop him from bringing a weapon. He's had to see me with any one of the guys and word around here travels fast. None of them are safe, no matter how confident they might seem.

Soda pulled me back to reality as his hands touched my cheeks. "Hey now. Don't go given up on us yet. He's got two gangs going against him. And you know I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

I shook my head, "I'm not worried about me. He will kill anyone who is near me. That means you, Dal, the whole gang. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to any of you."

He gave me one of his Hollywood smiles, "Nothing is going to happen. I'll make sure of it." All I could do was nod my head in response. Mark was not someone you wrote off. He was a cold-blooded killer with motives that none of them would begin to understand.


Friday came around quicker than I would've liked. The boys were amped up for the rumble tonight and that made me even more nervous. In their minds, the rumble would come first, and Mark would be second. They think he plays by everyone's rules, but they couldn't be more wrong. I knew Mark and I knew he would make his moves during the rumble while everyone was distracted. No amount of warnings was going to get through to them.

Nightfall came before I knew it, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel sick to my stomach. Tim was true to his word and came over with Angela. He gave her one of his heaters for added safety, but it was them who needed it.

The boys were getting ready to leave and Soda walked over to me, pulling me into his chest. His chin rested on top of my head as he said, "We are going to win this rumble and stop this guy. And I am going to come back to you and we are going to live the rest of our lives worry free." I smiled into his chest. As nice as all of that sounded, I knew it wasn't that easy.

He let go as Dal came up to me and gave me a stern look, "You do not leave this house for any reason. If I find out you even step so much as a nose out that door, I will skin you alive. Got it?" I nodded my head. "Keep the heater with you and don't open the door for anyone. I'm serious Sage. Don't go doing your own thing tonight." I bit my bottom lip as the nerves ran through me. He ruffled my hair and walked out the door with the rest of the gang.

All too soon the house was deathly quiet. Angela gave me a look and I knew in that moment she was as nervous as I was. "Tell me he isn't as crazy as what Tim was saying?"

I couldn't tell her that Mark belonged in an insane asylum, locked up and far away from the rest of the world. That the boys were in more danger than they have ever been in their lives. Because if I told her the truth, she would be out that door in a heartbeat, dragging her brother away from it all.

I knew something was going to happen tonight, I just prayed it wasn't to one of ours. 

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