thirty eight

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Ch 38

Sage P.O.V.

The walk was silent on the way to Buck's. Neither of us wanted to start this dreaded conversation. But with the silence from my brother came the shouting in my head. Tim's words kept repeating over and over making it all I could think about. People are going to get hurt again for something I did, and I made a promise to myself that I would never have history repeat itself. I needed to talk to Angela and see what she thought about everything.

I could feel Dally's constant stare as we got closer to our destination. I heard the music before I saw the building and knew we were close. Dally put a hand on my shoulder to stop me and I didn't everything in my power to not shrug him off.

Before talks of this whole war thing going on, I felt I had every right to be mad at my brother. That he had been the reason I was hurt so bad down by the river. But as karma has it, it was really my fault.

"Look kid. I know we don't always get along, but you don't need to be out here getting hurt because of me. Tim explained everything that happened the other night and I didn't think stuff would fall back on you."

I shook my head, "The more I think about it, the more I realized everyone getting hurt is my fault. If we hadn't have gone to that stupid party, none of this would've happened."

He stopped what he was doing and put his full attention on me. I couldn't help but squirm under his stare. "So help me God, if you do something stupid I will skin you myself. Got it?"

I looked away but nodded my head. I hadn't made any decisions on how I was going to handling thigs, but I was going to take matters into my own hands. He seemed to be satisfied with that exchange and we finished walking to Buck's.

The second we got inside, his happy ass went to the bar, and I made my way upstairs. We knew it was best to leave the other alone right now. I didn't bother showering or changing clothes before I plopped into bed. I was exhausted from all the shit that has been going on and only wanted sleep to take over.


It took a few days, but Angela and I finally were able to meet up. We had strict orders from Tim to stay close and use our brains for once. With the recent exchanges I've had with him, I found it best to keep my trap shut and do what he says. Although I feel like I use my brain in most situations.

We decided to hang out at the park in hopes that the Soc's won't come to this side of town in the middle of the day. We had been on the swings, lightly pushing ourselves back and forth not really talking about much.

"You ever think about the future?" I glanced over at her when she asked that.

Truth was, I thought about the future all the time. Some days I dreamed of one where I had a husband and kids of my own. One where Dallas lived next door and our kids grew up together knowing only of love and acceptance. But a dream was all it was.

When I think of the reality we live in, I never know how much a future I have. I don't see Dallas in it or the gang. I don't see happiness or success. I see pain and hurt from the things I have done. You see, I have always known I was going to die before I turned twenty. Dallas and I weren't meant to have this grand life, so there was no point in hoping that could change.

"No not really. You?"

She nodded her head, "Sometimes. I never know how it's gonna go. But I don't think it'll be anything good, you know?"

I nodded my head in agreeance. "You know these Soc's are out to get others because of what we did?"

I heard her sigh at my question. "Yeah, I know. Tim keeps telling me to stay out of it, but I don't think I can. I thought about telling them it was me that killed their friends."

My head wiped to her at that statement. "Are you crazy? We both had something to do with it. You can't just up and confess something like that. They will kill you!"

The look on her face should've been a red flag, but I was too stunned to understand it. She looked at peace, like nothing of what I just said bothered her.

"Tim is always protecting me in his weird way, but maybe it is my turn to protect him." While I shook my head at her, I saw where she was coming from. At what point do we say enough is enough and take responsibility for things?

I decided it was best to drop this topic and move on to something lighter. "I've decided not to kill Sandy."

Angela chuckled, "Well isn't she a lucky bitch. What made you change your mind?"

I looked out across the park at the younger kids chasing each other. "I think it would hurt Soda more than it would her and that's not my intention. But she thinks I'm out for her, so she gets to live in fear for a little while."

Angela tossed her hair over her shoulders, "That's a mature decision."

I nodded my head, "Yeah well, it feels like we have to grow up some moving forward. May as well start now."

We talked for a little longer before we headed back to Buck's. Dally said some of the gang were going to come by later and I made the decision to let things go between Soda and I.

I don't know what I planned on doing with the Soc's, but I don't want to have any bad blood with anyone when I do make that decision.

A/N: Short chapter, I know! But so much is about to go down as we near the end of this story! I love to hear what you think so far about Sage and her crazy life. I hope it is meeting your expectations!! Thank you all for sticking with my story this far. It means the world to me (: 

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