Chapter-3 (BIGGEST FEAR)

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*The next day*

As it is time to go to the creepy cold northern mansion, I feel insecured and...feared.

That feeling was not from me... It is from the character's body...

I really want to know what had happened when she was lost in the forest.

The carriage arrived and a small group of maids were also preparing to leave with me, including Lena and Max. Lena looked at me with worries. She seemed like wanting to tell something...maybe wanting to comfort me.

Mr. Clover which is a father of Maria was just staring from beside and didn't tell anything.

I looked waved at him and smiled at him. But he turned and walked away.


Finally we have arrived. The 7 hour ride was so tiring and boring. I climbed down from the carriage and looked at the old and classy mansion. Not so far from that I can see a foggy creepy tall mountain. It may be the mountain of the Dragon kingdom that people has rumored.

They also said that the Dragon King is an intelligent attractive young man. But he is cold as ice, heartless, determined and fierce.

While I was studying up the surroundings; an old grandma with expensive silk dark green dress and big ruby necklace came out from the classy mansion with couples of maids and walked toward me. She hold my hands.

"OH MY MARIA, it had been so long since you visited me. Come inside first, dear. I made your favourite mushroom soup."she said.

Wait! A mushroom soup?! I am allergic to it!

By the way this grandma doesn't seem so bad at all.

When I stepped the mansion, all the maids bowed to greet me and then my grandma led me to the dining room and there was a big long table with red table clothes that was decorated with candela and so many of delicious food and desserts.

Totally what the rich people would eat. I have never seen such grand dining table and food before!

Because I am Holly, not Maria, I don't get used to here. Being wealthy and being a noble.

I looked at the food.

Oh gosh! I saw the mushroom soup!

I cant eat that! But if I don't eat that mushroom soup she has prepared; she would suspect me beacuse it had been Maria's favorite and who would suddenly not eat their favorite meal?!

But on the other hand, how should I explain if she saw my allergies after eating it!!

While I was deep in my thoughts, a big fat cat pushed my mushroom soup bowl and then destroyed the other food on the dining table which is my good luck.

"LUCIFER! What did I teach you?! Don't rude to my guests!" my grandma shouted. "MAIDS! COME AND GET LUCIFER AWAY!" she shouted again with her old voice and bossy voice.

And then she turned back to me and said "I am sorry sweetie, I will tell them to make another bowl of soup".

"NO Grandma, it is okay. Actually I am a little bit sick because of the long journey and I don't feel to eat so...I will try it next time..." I said politely.

"Oh...fine then, dear". “SHOW MARIA TO HER ROOM" she said to one of the maids.


I am alone in a big, empty room. This room has only a dim of light. It is like a prison... There is also a big framed glass window so I went to open it.

As soon as I opened, a cold, strong breeze attacked me and then I can feel that something is happening to me. Not so long, I fell down and then...fell asleep.

When my eyes opened again, I saw metal chains hanging on my both hands and then my legs.

I can't move!

Then I realized I am not in that room at that mansion anymore. I am in a dark cave and it is even more creepier.

Did someone kidnap me?

In a while, a voice popped up.

"Have you woken up, Miss..Maria?" I was so shocked when I see his face.

It is.... It is... THE DRAGON KING!!

I can tell right away because I read the book anyway.

He is so handsome and attractive.

According to the manga story, the dragons can change into the human forms and still they can use their power.

No wonder how easily they could kidnap me from the stupid creepy mansion with lots of security guards surrounding the gate door.

“What do you want?” I asked him blantly.

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